Five Nightmares With Red: Radioactive (Cancelled)

2 years ago

2 years ago, i said the game was cancelled, as a Joke.

Well, now it's Cancelled for real + Important Announcement about the FNWR Franchise

Why did you cancel it without previous announce?

Well, simple, this game is just a disaster, due these reasons:

1- One of the worst ideas i've ever had it's to add OCs of other Users/Friends, which sooner, some of those friends becomed Untrustable, Ped0s, mean, Etc.

2- The Game didn't even had a Good Story, it didn't even mashup with the First Game's Story

3- The Idea of copying the FNaS's Clones Characters idea was very meh, and the designs of the characters on this game were ridiculous, some of them looked more like Nightmares, and other looked more like Withered Animatronics, so, no, NOPE.

So what's next for the FNWR Franchise?

Well, the thing is this, i'm planning to reboot The whole franchise, with new and improved Characters, better mechanics, better graphics, and more, but i would need support for that, fortunately, i already have that,

And as for the Games, there will be 2 Versions for the First FNWR,

Five Nightmares with Red's: Restored:

Five Nightmares with Red's: TTC Version:

What's the difference between the two?:

The First will be a Remastered/Remake of the first game, with the same characters, some will get remplaced, and will have new ones, and the mechanics are changing too

The TTC Version, well, it will be a FNWR made by @MaikeruThePlayer, he will make it with his own ideas, own art style, while i'll help him with some ideas

About a Second Game, of course there will be a Remake/Remaster of it, but we just have to wait after the First Game Remaster comes out, since i have to think about Ideas and Designs for the Characters and the Story

After all that, i bet the FNWR Franchise will still be alive for some really long sort of time, you just have to wait for some new updates for the future games

Anyway guys, this is Red, and we'll see ya (probably very) soon (again), Roll Out!



Next up

Introducing The Hedgehog Squad #1: Red/Redimus Prime

''I'm more real as you think...''

Holy crap, more redesigns.

*Red making the Most Original Script Bio you've ever read in your fakin life*

Here ya go folks, after so long:

Introducing The Hedgehog Squad #3: Medaline

updates for the major update

(W.I.P.) First look at Red's Redesign! This is only the headpiece, the rest of the Body may blow up your minds, just wait for it, Stay tuned!

Menu Preview

(Credit to @Highcell )

OOH BOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! The major update is out! android version is coming soon today or later on

Red/Redimus Prime's New Design

What do you think of it?