Hey guys! It's been quite a while since you guys got a proper update, wasn't it? Don't worry, we're still working on POPGOES 2 and POPGOES World.
But, the reason why we didn't give any updates is that..
We are officially announcing our next POPGOES fangame (if you didn't already know, our team members really like POPGOES), Ultimate POPGOES Night!
Ultimate POPGOES Night is a UCN type game with POPGOES characters replacing the FNaF characters. It will include as many POPGOES characters as we can fit in and fully customizable nights.
For now, the roster is:
Sara & Saffron (working as the same entity)
All of the Epitomes
Fractured Simon (seperate to original Simon)
Heartless Popgoes
Heartless Blake
Heartless Sara (maybe?)
Heartless Saffron
We will add more as we progress. Not much of UPN has been finished, but when we have enough finished, we will release the page for it. (UPN will be on a seperate page)
That's it for now, see you guys next time!
-Team Arctic
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