Jax Justun Studios Chronicle #16
Episode Sixteen: Ridley (Riddley)
Chapter Sixteen: Ridley This, Riddley Means That!!! Who's Loves That First Parody Cameo Brat???)
(Officially ALL Originally Created on: March 13th, 2025 - March 16th, 2025)
...............Ummm??? But this thing right here's not all what we thinked about here.......Hold on a minute here???? Are we're finally what we are all waiting for???? WE ARE????? PERFECT!!!!!! We here at Jax Justun Studios have been telling you all the past, present, and/or future parody secrets, lore, backstories, AND of course, STORIES of all of our official parody mascots from Series One & Two of 2018 & 2019, and now after nearly just millions of years on end here, we're all finally going to talk about our greatest parody-like creations ever!!!! Actually though, they're not what you all think here though..........Because these official mascots here aren't ordinary parodies here!!!! NOPE!!!!! They're known as the official Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Better known as the ones that were chosen to protect our official JJS parody-like facilities here for parody betters and goods!!!!

So yeah, they were all obviously chosen for official and actual reasons here.......And this first one's no parody cameo option here folks!!!!! You've seen this alien-like beast roaming across these Metroid Dreaded-like forests and became the most popular fantasy-like abomination since the 1980s, from your most/least favorite game company of course!!!!!!! His name's none other then "Ridley", better known as "Riddley (RIDE-DU-LEE)", as he was first nicknamed just right after he was chosen from the official JJS HQ since September 14th, 1988, a year after his first official retro game was born on all classical consoles!!!!! Umm??? Didn't he had an official and first OC nickname before all of this here???? OH YES!!!! He was known as "The Dreaded Prime"!!!! As he was first introduced from his official creator back on August 7th, 1983, a year before he was actually and officially introduced????? WOW!!! We've actually gotten ourselves our first JJS parody cameo mascot that had only three official names here!!!!! What an official and positive coincidence here!!!!! Ridley (Riddley) (prefer whatever you guys wanted to name him or whatever here) was one of the very first official and actual parody cameo mascots that ever to be chosen from every single parody staff member at Jax Justun Studios!!!! And we're going to talk about all of it right now here!!!!!!

Ridley, better known as Riddley as well too, and the rest of parody mascots and parody cameo mascots of Jax Justun Studios have each of their very own parody details, stories, and personalities!!!!! And that's how it makes Jax Justun Studios all positively unique inside!!!!! Join us now and here, as we all explore everything about the wonderful and positive parodies and worlds among the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! A parody-like ARG kind of series!!!!! As we all explore the parody secrets and histories about the #1stParodyCameoMascot of Jax Justun Studios from Series One of 2018, known as good for nothing "Ridley (Riddley)", the very first and ever parody cameo mascot that was ever to be existed and chosen for a reason from everybody from Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!! So, where should we all start first huh??? Of course!!!!! It was May 18th, 1873, an official and future parody staff member known as "Feddlejrick Hishenberrg" has officially graduated at his official high school at the age of 18 years old!!!!!! At the age of just nine years old, all what Feddlejrick Hishenberrg have wanted to do was create parody-like fantasy mascots that could become the next official future mascot for Jax Justun Studios to use for their next big future things!!!!! After his graduation and everything, he of course, wanted to take early summer college classes at "Fantastize Public University", his official dream summer college!!!!!! From over there alone, he'll of course, take multiple classes in order to create his official and future dream parody-like mascot for JJS HQ!!!!!!
Official Links of all Ridley's (Riddley's) Official Parody Discoveries:
(First Official Link: https://gamejolt.com/p/hello-nintendo-fans-and-yes-even-the-fnaf-and-horror-game-fans-a-ky96iyau) ***The Official Place where it all OFFICIALLY STARTED AT!!!!***
(Second Official Link: https://gamejolt.com/p/well-fans-of-fnaf-scp-and-nintendo-s-metroid-series-today-s-the-3kmmkmmf)
(Third Official Link: https://gamejolt.com/p/2018-parody-cameo-character-1-ridley-riddley-from-nintendo-s-pxybiayz) **To His Official JJS Parody Form**
And he'd called/named it as none other then "The Dreaded Prime", an amazing and future-like dragon like creature that'll the next future parody-like comic mascot for Jax Justun Studios next future comic-like parody mascot!!!!!! And of course, on June 11th, 1873, Feddlejrick Hishenberrg had signed up for his future classes at Fantastize Public University and started to of course, study a lot!!!!! And of course, taking lots and lots of breaks as well!!!! Luckily as always, that's what he always does the best here!!!! To study hard, focus on his important things and works, and of course, doing some awesome family stuff with his parents, grand-parents, and his only uncle and police man "Riddley Figged Hishenberrg"!!!!! YEP!!! Things were moving so positively smoothly, but for no reason whatsoever here, none of that did NOT last for a while at all!!!!! It was around next month in the summer times, on July 17th, 1873, at 8:21 AM, on a bright, sunny, and positive day of course, disaster has structed out of complete nowhere-ness!!!!! On July 17th, 1873, was when Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's official future summer college known as Fantastize Public University had sadly caught in a massive random fire!!!!! It just all happened out of nowhere!!!!! And on that very unfortunate morning day alone, Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's parents and police members "Greddyley Hishenberrg" and "J. Assianly Hishenberrg", all of the teachers, staff members, and vice principle, and all students from ages 18 through 23, had all officially passed away from the spreading fires at Fantastize Public University!!!!!!!
All of that had all went off super-duper quickly, Feddlejrick Hishenberrg didn't expect any of this stuff to all just happen so fast here!!!!! Luckily though, his uncle Riddley Figged Hishenberrg, and his lucky grand-parents known as "Vrandder Hishenberrg" and "Jettieneie Hishenberrg" (which both of them are also police officers) and the chief of police known as "Feddtroif Defendered" (alongside all the other police officers) had all officially survived the fires from the summer college!!!! Including two 18 year old male college students "George Fleddy" and "Jax Justun", a 20 year old female college student named "Biollet Hyrisks", also known as Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's step-cousin, a 23 year old college senior "Fobby Hey Jaylines", and of course, the principle of Fantastize Public University known as "General Manatized"!!!!!! Okay, that was a bit too much there, let's fast forward a few days right after that fire accident from the college!!!!!! A few days later right after that massive fire incident at Fantastize Public University, on July 20th, 1873, Feddlejrick Hishenberrg was about to walk from all of the recovery-ness from that horrible fire nonsense, until something magical had happened!!!!!!

Official Links of all Ridley's (Riddley's) Official Parody Bio, Depiction, & MORE!!!:
(Official Link To His Official JJS Parody Cameo Depiction: https://gamejolt.com/p/jjs-parody-cameo-depictions-1-2-for-both-ridley-riddley-sm-trci6wjq) "Alongside Smudger's Official JJS Parody Cameo Depiction!!!!"
(Official Link To His Official JJS Parody Cameo Bio Poster: https://gamejolt.com/p/jjs-parody-cameo-bio-poster-1-for-ridley-riddley-created-o-eqvrppk8)

It was Nave Jonnson himself, just right next too his official parody eyes and everything!!!!!!! Feddlejrick Hishenberrg was officially surprised and literally shocked!!!!!!! He couldn't believe his official parody eye sockets that the official creator and owner of Jax Justun Studios had randomly stumbled upon at the front of his family's home space!!!!!! Nave Jonnson's adopted son known as Jax Justun, which was one of the college students that had survived the fires from the college itself, had told everything about everything on Feddlejrick Hishenberrg and his parody future creations!!!!!! And of course, Nave Jonnson will be talking about all of this stuff with his uncle Riddley Figged Hishenberrg, while he be doing his walking and jogging and everything!!!!!! While Feddlejrick Hishenberrg was doing his recover-ment from his walking and jogging skills, both Nave Jonnson and his uncle Riddley Figged Hishenberrg in crime were talking stories, explaining more and more about what had happened from the fires of the college and also mostly being about Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's official future parody cameo creations and everything!!!!! Which of course, all set into a positive deal and Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's future dreams and everything were all about to come true all officially and positively after all!!!!!!
Fast forward of course, until September 8th, 1899, many years after that random fire accident/incident from Fantastize Public University and everything, even since then, Feddlejrick Hishenberrg was still recovering himself after that horrible experience during those moments of his parent's passings and everything!!!!! Come to think about it though, his uncle Riddley Figged Hishenberrg, and his lucky grand-parents known as Vrandder Hishenberrg and Jettieneie Hishenberrg were all also recovering from those moments as well too!!!!! Same as for George Fleddy, Jax Justun, Biollet Hyrisks, and Fobby Hey Jaylines as well too!!!!! As for the principle of Fantastize Public University known as General Manatized though, well sadly though, he sadly passed away due to his horrible sickness at the age of 140 on September 8th, 1899!!!! Not sure about Feddtroif Defendered though!!! That retired police officer chief had went to another state and nothing was said about him ever since then........While all of that was happening on September 8th, 1899, Nave Jonnson was of course being the parody wise man as he is and started to help out Feddtroif Defendered with his official future parody creations and everything!!!!! While finding some scrapped parody mascot bodies/body parts underneath the parody depts below the JJS parody facilities, a familiar face known as Maliha Spreyer (the parody mind and creator of the official Bigger Better Parody Boddies Inc. Inessive) had officially found a perfect parody mascot scrapped body for Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's future parody cameo mascot known as The Dreaded Prime!!!!!

And it was known to be as of course, the official The Dreaded Prime!!!!! Wait???? Does this guy look familiar to all of you here???? Yep!!!! That's "Lord Stopwatcher" alright here!!!! Originally known to be as The Dreaded Prime!!!!! But of course, both Nave Jonnson and Feddlejrick Hishenberrg have told her that official parody body for the Dreaded Prime was of course, completely dangerous here for some future parody cameo mascot of course!!!!!! Thankfully though, both George Fleddy and Jax Justun have found two other scrapped parody bodies!!!!! One that was a green alligator (I guess we all know what this guy will become), and the other one that was like being inspired from a future inspired-like retro game........Of course, both George Fleddy and Jax Justun have decided to use the second one of course, and both Nave Jonnson and Feddlejrick Hishenberrg had of course, agreed to that compliment and started using it for the first future parody cameo mascot known as The Dreaded Prime!!!!!! However though, that name of course The Dreaded Prime didn't suit well for ages young to older people!!!!!

Overtime of course, because that horrible name as The Dreaded Prime was of course, giving people lots and lots of nightmares!!!!! Same as for the first parody cameo design, which of course, has no official image at this time of creating this #JJSChronicleEpisodeChapter here..........Fast forward until September 14th, 1988, when all things come to a strange hold!!!! By the way, I know that this story here is a bit confusing of course, but we'll be saving some of the empty parts of this entire story here for later on for the future parody mascot horror game known as Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Anyways, for George Fleddy, Jax Justun, Biollet Hyrisks, and Fobby Hey Jaylines here, the remaining survivors from the horrible flaming past of a college accident, have all decided to help out this situation with both Feddlejrick Hishenberrg and "Riddley" because of.....You know......Obvious reasonings here and there!!!! Around on August 7th, 1983, the official Dread Prime was actually first named as "Ridley" (as in like riddle me this kind of nonsense), but then was nicknamed as "Riddley", six or five years later because of course, licensing issues of.......You all know what I mean from all of that........
.........So, of course, the name as by Riddley, was of course nicknamed right after Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's official uncle because both George Fleddy and Jax Justun wanted to have a few old references inside of the name of course!!!!!! It kind of made a few confusions, but all of that was worth it at the end and everything!!!!!! But the only reason that why this first parody cameo mascot of the JJS HQ was officially on hold was because Maliha Spreyer wanted to do some experiments on Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's creation and everything!!!!! All of that of course, had officially made Feddlejrick Hishenberrg and his other parody cameo team mates to go wildly mad!!!!! Same goes for Nave Jonnson as well too!!!!!!
In all parody secrets and everything, Maliha Spreyer have wanted to test out Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's official parody cameo creation with a few minor negative-like setbacks!!!! From putting the hearts and brains of Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's dead parents and of course, Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's official haunted nightmares!!!!! The reason why that Maliha Spreyer wanted to do that was because of course, you all guessed it........COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS!!!!! Apparently, Maliha Spreyer doesn't fool around with copyrighted wars and setbacks!!!!! So yeah, this had officially made Maliha Spreyer into an idiotic parody genius!!!!!! Maliha Spreyer had also created a few official JJS parody changes on Riddley's (Ridley's) official parody cameo body here!!!!!!! Here's what he originally supposed to be like here.......

......And now, here's what Ridley (Riddley) looks like with his new and official JJS parody form here!!!!!! Less complex redesigns, better quality models, and of course, an positive AND negative attitude which was all combined and mixed up with the brains and hearts of parents Feddlejrick Hishenberrg and of course, all of the horrifying nightmares all from all at once from Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's minds and memories (dreams also as well too)!!!!!! Did all of this officially backfired for Maliha Spreyer???? Well, just barely and everything!!!!!! But because that the nightmares were the ones that were kicking in the most and everything, this had made Riddley go on a rampage and would of course, killed and slaughtered his very own creator and owner known as Feddlejrick Hishenberrg!!!! And on September 14th, 1988, Feddlejrick Hishenberrg was officially dead!!!!! Thankfully though, his parody cameo team mates, George Fleddy, Jax Justun, Biollet Hyrisks, and Fobby Hey Jaylines had all survived, but of course, without their leader, Ridley (Riddley) will of course cause so much chaos as he wants too here!!!!

It was now a year since Ridley's (Riddley's) official first escape from the JJS HQ, and it was now January 8th, 1989, Ridley (Riddley) first began to start to burn down Feddlejrick Hishenberrg's old high school that he'd originally graduated from May 18th, 1873, known as "Brillience Benonefets High School", opened since November 11th, 1456, as an official computer lab and farming area!!!! Now would become Ridley's (Riddley's) very first area to create his official and first parody cameo massacre!!!!!! Then a few months later, after some flying around and everything, on March 13th, 1989, Ridley (Riddley) would then began to start off his second official parody cameo massacre at a local shopping mall, right next to a local elementary school!!!!!! While inside of the shopping mall (no official name was given for the shopping mall of course), Ridley (Riddley) would then start to kill everybody and destroy everything in his sights..........While Ridley (Riddley) was doing all of that, he would of course, then launch his fireballs where the elementary school, which was right next too the shopping mall!!!!! The local elementary school (no official name given) have of course went to go on lockdown because of Ridley's (Riddley's) raging rampages!!!!!
The elementary school was of course, way to stupid to realized that the fireballs made from Ridley (Riddley) were about to hit!!!!! And of course, from just twenty to forty fireballs in just 20 to 27 minutes, the local elementary school was in ruins........And just only 30 minutes of aggressive rampaging, the local shopping mall in just already in shambles!!!!!! Thankfully for the elementary school of course, every worker, teacher, staff, and student had survive the fireballs from Ridley (Riddley), but both the principle and VP were of course, presented as DEAD!!!!! Alongside an obsessive female math/science teacher!!!!!! And a nice and positive 35 year old male math teacher and soccer coach as well too!!!! For the kill count for the mall though........Well, let's just say 500 million to be exact here!!!!!! Looks like Ridley (Riddley) was creating his official parody cameo massacres as the speed of lightning!!!! Apparently, due to some silly old errors from Maliha Spreyer's horrifying experimenting-ness of a mess, it kind of made Ridley (Riddley) into a speeding killing parody cameo demon of mass parody cameo destruction!!!!!! And of course, that all haven't stop from just one year alone of course!!!!!!
And of course, when the 1990s had came around the corners here, things might gotten even more worse right???? Well, as with for Ridley (Riddley) here, it did gotten million times more worse then before!!!!!! From January 17th, 1990, throughout until May 21st, 1997, Ridley (Riddley) had nearly created over a grand total of 7 parody cameo massacres from 7 high schools, 7 more at shopping malls, then 8 from colleges, and 24 others from 20 different hotels, 2 local zoos, 1 at a local water park called "KillerWhail SeaLife Time" (opened since April 23rd, 1967), and yes, that name speaks for itself, and of course, the final one at a local aquarium called "Jerrold's Grounds Sea WaterLife" (opened since March 15th, 1943)!!!! And of course, parody cameo massacres that Ridley (Riddley) had made from the malls, high schools, zoos, hotels, and colleges weren't much of some parody cameo problems though, but the last two from the local water park and local aquarium were the worst ones ever that Ridley (Riddley) had ever created!!!!!! On June 14th, 1996, the local water park known as KillerWhail SeaLife Time, was suddenly been attacked by an unknown alien-like flying monster known as of course Ridley (Riddley), and he created a massive flood inside of the water slides, rides, and food court areas.......The floods from that water park were made when Ridley (Riddley) was messing with underground watering systems underneath!!!!!
Making all of the temps. about 90,000 degrees more hotter then usual!!!!! The way how he'd done that was currently still unknown.........All of the watering holds and pipes underneath the water park had gotten all so hot that all of the water slides, rides, eating areas, and resting areas were all having massive drain overloads, causing a massive flood all over the water park!!!! Thankfully though, no one from all ages were killed, but almost 44 millions of people gotten critically injured from burns, bruises, and scars!!!!!! Then on May 21st, 1997, it'll be the final and official day when Ridley (Riddley) had created his final and official parody cameo massacre!!!!!! And it was at a local aquarium called Jerrold's Grounds Sea WaterLife!!!!! The way how Ridley (Riddley) destroyed that entire aquarium is still yet another unknown parody cameo mystery to solve here, but of course, Ridley (Riddley) had of course, exploded the entire aquarium, causing to kill billions of Sealife innocents and humans of all ages!!!!! How he'd exploded the entire aquarium was of course, creating a giant sonic boom from his mouth!!!!!! Once again, those parody cameo secrets are still unknown to this very day alone!!!!!
The next day on May 22nd, 1997, Ridley (Riddley) was finally been captured from official JJS authorities and after nearly almost 8 years of parody cameo mass and destruction, Ridley (Riddley) was finally lay to rest underground inside of his official parody cameo holding cell, and Ridley (Riddley) was never to be seen towards the entire parody cameo public of JJS HQ ever again!!!!!! It wasn't until August 25th, 2018, when Ridley (Riddley) was officially awakened from his long parody cameo slumber from the parody minds and hands of Maliha Spreyer, as of course, returning back from the parody cameo dead to take parody cameo revengence-ness on all of the ones who'd betrayed him all them years ago!!!!!! But that's for yet another parody cameo story to tell about for later on........So, how did Ridley (Riddley) actually got made and chosen from Jax Justun Studios in the first place here????
Well, it all took place recently around on December 27th, 2017, when Nave Jonnson wanted to do something very original and interesting for the future parody stories of Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Instead of just adding in official OC parody mascots into the stories, why not also add in some official parody cameo mascots as well too........Parody Cameo Mascots are official JJS-like cameos that were chosen for reasons about their very own different personality traits!!!!! And Ridley was one of them here!!!!! And he was officially the first one to be chosen as the next official parody villains of the Jax Justun Studios timelines here!!!!!!

Looking at him though, he wasn't really much of a villain of course, they'd of course, officially scrapped that idea and decided to use him as an official side-parody cameo villain, and of course, Ridley was officially known as the first official JJS parody cameo mascot/character for Series One of 2018!!!!!! However though, the official name of his official parody cameo files and everything were all actually named as "Riddley", but with two "Ds", instead just the one of course.......I think this official mistake was created on purpose because of course, copyrighted stuff!!!!! And of course, because of that, Jax Justun Studios and Nave Jonnson have to officially create an official JJS parody form for Ridley (Riddley)!!!!!! Unfortunately, that official JJS parody form for Ridley (Riddley) would instead take more longer to make because all of them were of course, in the middle of creating other parody-like creations for their next future and official parody-like shows, movies, and/or OC series!!!!!!!

It wasn't FINALLY until around on December 13th, 2024, after nearly eight entire whole years of delays and setbacks, the official parody cameo version......I mean, the official JJS parody form for the very first and ever JJS parody cameo mascot known as Ridley (Riddley) was finally created!!!!!! Of course, it was officially rushed because.......Actually though, it wasn't rushed........Because Jax Justun Studios had took their times all slow and steady to make this all pop out and everything!!!!!! From Feb. 2nd, 2018, through November 12th, 2019, they'd first done the head and tail for Ridley (Riddley)!!!!! Then from September 22nd, 2020, through July 17th, 2021, the wings, hands, and feet/legs were made!!!!! Finally from March 14th, 2022 throughout until December 13th, 2024, the rest of the body and parody form details for Ridley (Riddley) were the last ones that were created!!!!!! I don't know about you guys, but I think that this official JJS parody form for Ridley (Riddley) looks very nice and handsome here!!!!!
Sadly, during those development phases of course, many scrapped and unused official scripts for Ridley (Riddley) were all lost in time!!!!! Thankfully though, only three of them had survived!!!!! Which the third one's the official script that's still being used for Ridley (Riddley) as of today here!!!!!! As for the first unused script for Ridley (Riddley) here, it was of course, letting him becoming the next future parody villain for their next parody plots here......But all of that was replaced from none other then "Lord Ender Dragon (LED)", the very last parody cameo mascot of Series One of 2018!!!!!!!! The second one though's different story here........According to this second unused script for Ridley (Riddley) here, it was officially that Ridley (Riddley) was actually going to appear as for the next side parody cameo character that was part as LED's parody cameo dream team here!!!!! Which means Ridley (Riddley) was originally going to team up with Lord Ender Dragon so they can take over the world!!!!!! Of course, all of that makes no sense to begin with because LED has of course, his brother Mr. Direction, Lord Admin, and of course, his best friends Smudger and Reuben!!!!! And to make matters more confusing's that Lord MC Dungeons wasn't even an existence yet until August of 2021!!!!! Blitzo wasn't even here until 2019, the future parody wives weren't even there un 2020, and all of the long lost Ender Dragon Family Members weren't even there until January of 2024!!!!!
Thankfully though, that second unused script for Ridley (Riddley) was then flushed away for good, and now of course, Ridley (Riddley) is now as only part of the official main side-parody cameo villains of the Jax Justun Studios Parody Sagas and timelines!!!!!! Since then of course, Ridley (Riddley) had become a silent one, but of course, in the nearest future of course, Ridley (Riddley) (plus the other official JJS parody cameo mascots/characters) will of course make his official parody cameo comebacks as usual for the next future parody instalments of the Jax Justun Studios!!!!! For how long though???? We'll never know!!!!! Anyways, as for me with Ridley (Riddley) here, let's just actually get this stuff out of the way first!!!!! First of all here, I wasn't much of Metroid fan to begin with here.........Heck, I wasn't even born when the first official Metroid came out during the 1980s, and even when I was born around between the 2000s, Metroid wasn't much of a Nintendo series that I'd really cared and pay attention about here.......But as soon as I had played the earlier 3D platforming Mario games in the 2012s/2013s on my original Nintendo DS, 3DS, and 2DS handhelds, I'd finally fell in love form almost every single Nintendo game series here......Even when I gotten my Nintendo Switch during one of the worst years of all time, the world of Nintendo was an all new video game direction for me here!!!!
Second of all, how I officially imagined Ridley (Riddley) during my JJS parody moments and everything here were different parts of my pre-teen childhoods here........It of course all started back at my final years at middle school, when I'd officially first seen Ridley (Riddley) for the first time ever on the entire internet!!!!!! And it was from an official YouTube video called "Ridley for Smash (unexpected)", officially made from a YouTuber called ToucanLDM!!!!!! Originally released back on August 30th, 2018, this was the very first moment that I'd officially discovered Ridley (Riddley) for the first time ever!!!!! And of course, that YouTube video speaks for itself!!!! Ridley (Riddley) literally just smashed almost every single Sega, Nintendo, and many other video game characters in one place during some banquet of some kind!!!!!! And everybody from that video alone there had really wanted Ridley (Riddley) to joined so badly in the smash tournaments!!!!! After watching that video alone of course, it made me thinking about this here......Why not put my parody mascots and existing parody cameo mascots into one massive of a parody timeline/parody sage of Jax Justun Studios here!!!!! And of course, because now that Ridley (Riddley) was one of my very first and ever parody cameo mascot/character imagined here, I have decided to create and imagined official parody cameo mascots to join all of the parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!
And Ridley (Riddley) was the very first one that I'd ever chosen here!!!!! Not just because of my imaginations of course, but also from on how he was acting from fan-made videos, the official Metroid lines of games of course, and how powerful he was!!!!!! The way how I have named him to Ridley to Riddley was actually from an official spelling error!!!! But of course, I just put two "Ds" instead of just on "D"!!!!!! Guess that's just probably from some copyrighted things and everything!!!!!! Since then though, the official imaginations from my head of course, had all faded away ever since I've been busy with school of course, and six years later though, I've finally returned with Ridley (Riddley) and everything here!!!!!

However though, I had like no idea why I even found this official version for Ridley (Riddley) in the first place here......Originally around between #JanOf2024 and #FenOf2024, I originally wanted to create an official parody form for Ridley (Riddley), but because how stupidly complex it would've been, I of course, scrapped that entire stuff and everything......However though, since then, I'd officially made official JJS parody forms for almost all of the official parody cameo mascots from Series One AND Two of 2018 AND 2019!!!!!! First one being for Mr. Big Doom "D" Duck around from February 6th, 2024, through March 11th, 2024, then two for Reuben on March 25th, 2024, and finally one for the official ghost version for Smudger on July 3rd, 2024!!!!!! Because all of that was happening of course, I've decided to returned until 12 months later around on December of 2024 to officially go back and unscraped the official ideas to create the official JJS parody form for Ridley (Riddley)!!!!!

Then of course, 12 whole months later, around on December 4th, 2024, the official JJS parody version/form for Ridley (Riddley) was officially been created!!!!!! And of course, I had no choice to create different images/PNGs for all of the parts for entire Ridley's (Riddley's) parody form body here.........And I actually made only for additional ones here.....The first one being Ridley's (Riddley's) tail, which was more easier then I had anticipated here!!!!!! Then I made the wings and hands/arms for Ridley (Riddley)!!!!!


I'd originally wanted to make two different versions of the hands/arms and wings for Ridley's (Riddley's) JJS parody form, but of course, I had turned on my brain again, and decided to just copy and paste the exact same wings and hands/arms here!!!!! The separate body parts were all based around some robotic-like creatures of course by the way!!!!!! And finally was of course, the head for Ridley (Riddley)!!!!!! Which looks so much better then I wanted it to be here!!!!! The head also looks far more impressive then his official ones from his official variants of the Metroid series-es and everything here.......And of course, once I'd combine all of them while creating the final parts of Ridley's (Riddley's) entire parody body/form, these were of course, the final results!!!!!

And let me tell you guys, all of this was all worth it at the very end here!!!!!! I won't go much in details on his entire body though because of course, it speaks for itself here!!!!!! I mean, I did added on a collar that has an "R" for Ridley (Riddley) of course, but that's it apparently here!!!!! And to end off in this entire episode/chapter here, these moments were being created while I was officially getting two new ornaments for my family's white non-real Christmas Tree!!!!! And they weren't not much of some special ones of course, but it was all worth it during this 12 month long process-ness here!!!!! Overall, Ridley (Riddley) known to be the very first and ever chosen JJS parody cameo mascot, was one of the most greatest examples of creating your own parody-like spoof OCs and using them for your future-like creations, just like mines here!!!! For me of course, it's again, the best parody-like cameo experiences that I had ever had!!!!!! This nonsense won't stop though, because I have official JJS parody forms for other official JJS, HHS, and DDS parody forms along the way in development of course!!!!!!
And of course, some of them might not become as like them of course, but I am sure that Ridley (Riddley) might tell some differences of course!!!!!! If you all know what I mean from all of that here............Man!!!! This very first parody cameo mascot JJS episode/chapter here was just all over the place you guys!!!! And of course, this one took me like four or five days to make here..........Sorry if the starts of this episode/chapter here for the official #JJSChroniclesSeries were like all over the place!!!! Because I wanted to share off some of the official parody-like secrets, stories, histories, and lore about Ridley (Riddley), for in the official gaming parody experiences of Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios and everything!!!!!! We'll of course, have some more future updates like this one here in the nearest future!!!!! Stay tuned as always for some more future updates on the official Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!!!! Hope you're all enjoying this series so far here!!!! See you all next time!!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #RidleyRiddleyTheJJSparodyCameo #KingOfJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #Happy210thYearAnniversaryJJS!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!! #HappyBeEarlySaintPatricks #DayOfTheYearOf2025!!!!!!!
-End of The #16thJJSChronicle!!!!
(Stay tuned for the next future parody Episode/Chapter of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!! Where all of the Parody Secrets, Details, Lore, and Histories of all Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios will be revealed next, in the nearest future!!!! See you all next time and keep on Parody-ing!!!!!!)