Hi! It’s been a while since the last post so we want to update a few things. Just a few!
8 months though, can you believe that?
2017 was a weird year for us. New works, cancelled projects, and lots of other stuffs happened. For some time, We had to put Hollow Rhyme development to the backseat and focus on our irl things first. We still did dev, but it progressed very slowly and the finish line seemed so far.
So anyway, on December, we decided that we would focus and do everything we can to finish this “last 10%”.
We scaled down the project because it took too long and because we do small games better. It’s no longer episodic, became shorter, and of course it’ll be cheaper.
We cut a lot of features and we polished the remaining ones. It’s missing a lot of QOL features, but in the end it definitely improved the game and made it more cohesive.
And the best of all, it’s now finished!

Coming weeks and release
With the production done, we’re now entering QA & Beta Testing phase. We’ve been too close with this project for the past months, and now we need some fresh eyes and feedbacks before it’s ready for release.
Which is.. hopefully April/May. Early 2017 is a lie.
If you’re interested in more info regarding the dev or on testing the game, we’ll post more about it in the coming days. Comment, like, follow, subscribe, tweet, comment, whatever.. Do stay around!
That’s all for now!