Five Nights at Jax Justun's 4: Monsters At War!!

1 month ago

2019 Parody Cameo Character #5 - Mr. Direction (From Minecraft "Sort Of") WHOA!!! Umm?? Who's this again here??? OH!! RIGHT!!! Meet none other then the official #5thParodyCameoMascot from Jax Justun Studios of #SeriesTwoOf2019!!!!!

Wait??? What was the name of this guy again???? Or skeleton-like Ender Dragon from Minecraft for that matter here???? OH, RIGHT!!!! It's none other then........"Mr. Direction"???!?!??!?!?!!!! What???? MR. DIRECTION!?!?!?!?! What kind of name's that???? Really???? He's the greatest-oldest brother of "Lord Ender Dragon (LED)", which Mr. Direction himself, was in very dark parody sleep since May 20th, 1199????? Which technically, he's also known to be as "Prisoner-1199MRD"!!!! And Mr. Direction was in parody development-ness from May 23rd, 1883, throughout until June 17th, 2018????? That's like 135 years of parody development here!!!!! Anyways, like from a few minutes ago from before with both Malak and that doom ducky thingy-thang, all official parody staff workers from both HHS and DDS HQs had officially added Mr. Direction on the official gamepage for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 4: Monsters At War!!!!!!! GOOD LORD!!! Can all have like enough of these posts for just once please???? Mr. Direction had already been shown off already like three of four times already!!!!

Once with both Malak and the doom duck monster thing, then the next one on the official gamepage for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 3, then another time on his most recent JJS parody cameo depiction back on 2024, and now today here on February 2nd, 2025!!!!! And also, one of the official #JJSvideos back around in #FebOf2024!!!! And no!!! All or some of the versions of the #JJSbannerPosterShrine don't count here you guys!!!!! Speaking of which, the next version of the #DDSbannerPosterShrine will of course, be out shortly!!! Stay tuned for all of that of course!!!! OH PARODY GODS!!!! I think that's enough for this one I guess......Stay tuned for some more future parody updates AND parody cameo updates about Mr. Direction and his dark parody past-ness and stuff you guys!!!!! Have a wonderful and safe day you guys!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #Happy15thBirthdayMinecraft!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!



Next up

2019 Parody Character #17 - Lord Eye Socket (LES) (Created on: February 7th, 2024) Afternoon you guys!!!!! We have our last and FINAL parody character of Jax Justun Studios from Series Two of 2019!!!!!

2025 DDS PCCs #56 & #57 - HipDrop NipHop Nova Ender Dragon (Hipdrop Hopnova) & SoloTango Dranggrow Firestorm Ender Dragon (TangoDrangrow) - Nova & Firestorm Dragons The last two and final #DDSparodyCameoMascots......ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!

Sakehatenafiyer's Head #1 (Kenry A. Ngry "Male Age 156") - Created on: March 9th, 2025 Something's not even right here folks!!!! We have meet some strange looking parody-like snake creature for today/tonight here!!!!!

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to and accept the quest to get started.

Banner Poster Shrine of DDS #VersionNine - (Created on: March 9th, 2025) Well folks, at an early cost here, the official #54thJJSvideo has already been released!!!!! Alongside with this thing as well too!!!!!

Minin' away....I don't know what to mine I'll mine this anyway in this Minecraft day...

2019 Parody Cameo Character #7 - Mr. Big Doom "D" Duck (JJS Parody Form) - (Created on: Feb. 6th, 2024 - March 11th, 2024) - Hello my beloved fans of FNAF and Dark Deception!!!!!! It's finally here at a-long last!!!!!

2019 Parody Character #17 - Lord Eye Socket (LES) (Created on: February 7th, 2024) For nearly 5 to 6 whole months from just two years apart, from Oct. of 2024 throughout the new year's of 2025, and with a few parody bumps on them parody roads here........

@RaleDesign is a Jolter to Watch! They post great Minecraft builds and designs! Follow them before the quest ends on November 19 and you'll get Coins!

2018 Parody Cameo Character #3 - Reuben the Pig - From MC Story Mode: Season One (The JJS Parody Form) (Created on: March 25th, 2024) - Hello my FNAF, Minecraft, and MC Story Mode fans!!!! How's it going so far!?!??!!!!!