Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Adventures in High School in: Rise of Lord Admin Within the Depts of Jax Justun Studios

3 months ago

2019 Parody Character #10 - Mr. Sanitorium (Created on: February 3rd to 5th of 2024) It's been nearly weeks now since we'd come across many of Jax Justun Studios official parody mascots from Series 1 & 2 of 2018 & 2019!!!!

Jaxx Justun Studios Chronicle #10

Episode Ten: Mr. Sanitorium

Chapter Ten: (Terrible Sanitorium Station)

(Officially ALL Originally Created on: November 21st, 2024 - November 24th, 2024)

But now, we've made it towards the very first and ever massive parody mascot that was created from both Nave Jonnson and Jax Justun Studios themselves from February 3rd, 1901 through February 5th, 1967!!!!!! And arguably one of the most ambitious and most annoying parody mascots ever created from nearly 66 years of development!!! Not even worst then The Crayola Brothers!!!!! And that would be the official #10thParodyMascotCharacter of Jax Justun Studios!!!! From Series Two of 2019 of course!!!! And that official name of the #10thParodyMascotCharacter of Jax Justun Studios was none other then "The Sanatorium Creature", as it was code name when it first created nearly around the oldest builders of Jax Justun Studios on January 1st, 1899!!!!! But on February 3rd, 1901, it would then get its official and actual name!!! And it was "Sanitorium From The DEEP"!!!! Wait a minute??? That's not right!!!! I mean, it slaps, but still!!!! Wasn't its official SCP/Prisoner name??? Which, by the way, I won't say that name like not at all because how stupidly long it is!!!! Really, NOOOO!??!?!!!! Then what was it then????

Umm??? Wasn't originally like "Sanitorium Vlindicator"???? NOPE!!! It was almost there!!!! OH!!!! Was it "Mr. Sanitorium"!!!! YEEEESSSSSS!!!!! It was Mr. Sanitorium!!!!!! MAN!!!! I'm so glad that..........Umm???......I mean, we're so glad that Mr. Sanitorium doesn't have that much changes on his name and everything, but still, Mr. Sanitorium still had like many (or just a few or maybe a lot) of early development phases during his time and everything!!!! And it appears that Mr. Sanitorium and his parody secrets are now ready to be revealed!!! Mr. Sanitorium, and the rest of parody mascots and parody cameo mascots of Jax Justun Studios have each of their very own parody details, stories, and personalities!!!!! And that's how it makes Jax Justun Studios all positively unique here inside!!!!! Join us now and here, as we all explore everything about the wonder and positive parodies and worlds among the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! A parody-like ARG kind of series as we all explore the parody secrets and histories about the tenth and most biggest parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios known as "Mr. Sanitorium"!!!! MAN!!! This is going to be a wild ride and a massive disastrous of a journey here folks!!!


(Official Links Of Mr. Sanitorium's Official Appearances!!!)

(Mr. Sanitorium's First Official Link: "Along with Mr. Sewing Machine's Frist Appearance!!!"

(Mr. Sanitorium's Second Official Link:

It was now January 1st, 1899, and the people and parody staff members of Jax Justun Studios were having trouble cutting parody costs on their parody mascots and parody came mascots and everything!!!! Months had past very quickly though, and Nave Jonnson had decided to hold off on the creating moments from creating some more parody mascots because around that moment of time already!!! Four of their official parody mascots known as Mr. Glumpty Plant, Larr, Gridget, and Jeffrrey were already been created and were already had like enough troubles and official marketing stuff already!!!! All of that didn't make much sense, but you get the deals behind all of this here!!!!! Fast forward until February 3rd, 1901, and Nave Jonnson had decided to create an official parody mascot that's like a really big, tall, and massive of a positive creature!!!!! He called his future and massive parody mascot as "The Sanatorium Creature", as it was again, first code name when it was officially created nearly around from them oldest builders of Jax Justun Studios way back on January 1st, 1899!!!!! Until more and more parody mascots and parody cameo mascots were created, Nave Jonnson wants to create a very bigger and better parody mascot in the nearest future, so it can tower among not just the parody mascots, but also the entire Jax Justun Studios Community as well!!!!! But it wasn't a very easy task to begin with because it'll take decades on end to create something that's like very massive and big!!!!

So this massive parody mascot building journey of Jax Justun Studios had already just begun, and the official parody body and sculpts (a few official and additional parody blueprints included) for The Sanatorium Creature were already been created!!!!! There was of course the body of The Sanatorium Creature!!!!! Created on July 28th, 1904, three official versions of the body for The Sanatorium Creature had been created!!!!! Two that were blue and made out paper mache, blue clay, and wired and robotic parts, and third and final being all green and only made out of course, paper mache and green clay AND paint!!!! The third one was of course officially scrapped (like nobody's business that The Sanatorium Creature doesn't to be all sick and green), and the second one didn't even function all that well!!!! That second body though would then become the official body for Mr. Crayola!!!! As for the first and final one, it was a different story!!! Not only it worked very well, but the body could also make itself all stand up and everything!!!! Nave Jonnson and his friends had no idea how this was possible here!!!! So yeah, July 30th, 1904, the official body for The Sanatorium Creature was finally born!!!! Many years had past, and it was now officially September 21st, 1939, it was the day when The Sanatorium Creature had been renamed officially to "Sanitorium From The DEEP", and of course, five official heads for the Sanitorium From The DEEP were officially been created!!!!


Which of course, two of them were then been used for the official head sculptures for The Crayola Brothers (that rhymed!!! I know!!!!), and the third one being scrapped and was then gifted to their oldest parody-like company known as Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! As for the fourth and fifth ones, well, they were then combined to be the official parody head piece/sculpture for the Sanitorium From The DEEP!!!!! It was now October 21st, 1958, and the official body sculpture and the hat for the Sanitorium From The DEEP were already been created!!!! Which both of the hat and entire body was all firstly made back on June 14th, 1951!!!! The reason why that both of the hat and entire body had to take forever to make was because how massive and big this official #10thParodyMascot was being built and everything!!!! And by the way, the official parody materials were all used and also borrowed from of course, the Crayola Brothers, the official #11thAnd12thParodyMascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!! The same goes for its feet, wings, legs, and of course, the lasers!!! Which, all of those individual body parts were all attached from strange areas and places around its body!!!! As for the Bigger wings, they were actually and originally from an old parody mascot, that was been scrapped for a very long time now!!! but more on that later!!!!

It was now May 20th, 1961, and Jax Justun Studios was almost done creating their official #10thParodyMascot!!!!! All they needed was a newer and much better name for their parody mascot!!!! That would been "Mr. Sanitorium", arguably one the best names that they had ever created!!!! It was then of course, on February 5th, 1967, their official #10thParodyMascot from Jax Justun Studios was officially been finished!!!!! Mr. Sanitorium had become one of the most popular parody mascots ever in the entire parody century!!!! He had a lot more official parody merch and decorations in all!!!! From action figures, big and small plush toys, paintings, pictures, his own line of makeup and so much more!!!!! But the parody fame for Mr. Sanitorium had sadly cut short, around until April 12th, 1971, when a greedy and angry 39 year old man named "Grebby Gardshawn" had came out of nowhere, and was acting so aggressively in front of the parody staff of Jax Justun Studios!!!! Grebby from "PauseHawlt Productions" was not happy about Jax Justun Studios from creating a very massive parody mascot called Mr. Sanitorium!!!! He thought that Mr. Sanitorium was actually a monster!!!!! Thankfully though, his younger brother 23 year old "Pledrow Gardshawn" had found his older brother and took him out of the studios and said sorry to everybody about how his brother was talking about some negative stuff about Mr. Sanitorium and everything!!!!!


(Official Links To Mr. Sanitorium's Parody Depiction and Bio Poster!!!)

(Official Link to Mr. Sanitorium's Parody Bio Poster:

(Official Link to Mr. Sanitorium's Parody JJS Depiction:

That however though, did NOT stop and finished the problem, it was then May 22nd, 1971, as soon as Grebby had begin finishing up his last hours at his working area/job, Mr. Sanitorium had came out of nowhere and destroyed the entire building of PauseHawlt Productions entirely!!!!! Mr. Sanitorium had used his entire and defective parody programing and used it to explode the entire building!!! Along with the owner and his fellow co-workers inside of it!!!! And on May 22nd, 1971, Mr. Sanitorium himself had officially closed the doors on PauseHawlt Productions forever!!!!! And that company was opened since December 14th, 1967!!!!! Five years just couldn't make business flow smoothly huh??? It has now been two years since Mr. Sanitorium's very first incident, and was now May 17th, 1974, thankfully though, even after all of that, Jax Justun Studios had still kept Mr. Sanitorium all running so positively smoothly and everything!!!! Even around that time/moment alone, Mr. Sanitorium had been getting some more positive attractions and everything!!!! Like an official website, official carnival rides and games, and even official video games!!!! Heck, even Mr. Sanitorium had his own and official TV Shows and Movies!!!!! All getting amazing and positive feedbacks and reviews!!!!! But on May 17th, 1974, Mr. Sanitorium would then create his second parody-like incident, destroying a high school, and, what is with these parody mascots from destroying high schools???? I don't know!!!! We're not much of FNAF experts here!!!! So, after a long day and everything, the people from Jax Justun Studios, they'd finally went back to their homes and sleep for the night!!! But what didn't know was that Mr. Sanitorium was ready to pounce in action!!!!

So around at 7:34 PM, Mr. Sanitorium had escape escape his parody enclosure and head off to do some parody chaos at some amazing and most popular high school!!!!! After 20 to 30 minutes of flying around, Mr. Sanitorium had finally found a perfect high school to mess around inside!!! However, he didn't realized that high school graduation was still happening at that time!!!! So Mr. Sanitorium went to a high school called "Sambreeno High School", and it was perfect high school for Mr. Sanitorium to mess around and everything!!!! While the seniors and their families were inside in the Sambreeno Auto-Torrium, Mr. Sanitorium already had done lots of massive destruction around the Sambreeno school grounds/campus!!!! With his massive parody powers and his trusty hat, he'd wrecked up to almost all of the classrooms and buildings!!!! Including the football field, the cafeteria, and all of the parked vehicles!!!! And when I mean almost, well the only place that was intact was where the seniors were inside in!!!! If you know what I mean from that!!!!! After hours of parody chaos and playtime, Mr. Sanitorium had flown away and head off back to Jax Justun Studios, where people will never knew if he was the one who'd caused the terrible aftermaths and everything!!!!! Since Mr. Sanitorium's second parody incident, nothing else had changed!!!!


WOW!!! It has also been many more years by now, and the last two parody-like mishaps that Mr. Sanitorium had made were still unknown mysteries to still solve and everything!!!! It was now September 16th, 1990, a few days after after the #176thYearAnniversaryEvent of Jax Justun Studios has ended!!!! And Mr. Sanitorium was ready to strike and create his final parody chaotic mayhem, to destroy, or should I say explode a large amount of cities and neighborhoods!!!! And around at 6:40 PM on September 16th, 1990, Mr. Sanitorium had escape his parody enclosure once again, but with all of the parody staff and employees still inside of the Jax Justun Studios facility!!!!! While Nave Jonnson and the #JJSparodySwatTeam were finding out where Mr. Sanitorium had flown off too, Mr. Sanitorium was already destroying many neighborhoods and parks!!!!! From 6:56 PM through 7:59 PM, Mr. Sanitorium had wrecked and exploded nearly five separate neighborhoods and six different public parks!!!! Mr. Sanitorium's entire body was so big and massive, many people can't even take photos of him that quickly!!!! Mr. Sanitorium was also very fast, not one single cop couldn't even capture him that quickly!!!! And after hours of searching, Mr. Sanitorium was finally been captured!!!! Thankfully though, after Mr. Sanitorium's aftermaths and destructions, no one was killed and no actual explosions were created!!!!

And on December 28th, 1991, after a year in a half of some many lawsuits and everything about Mr. Sanitorium's destructive parody behaviors, Mr. Sanitorium was finally set to rest for decades of retirement, all of his websites and spin-off movies and shows were officially canceled and/or deleted permanently, and all official Mr. Sanitorium parody merch were all recalled and removed from all store's shelves!!!! Same as for the posters, drawings, paintings, and of course, the parody games and parody rides!!!! And that's how Mr. Sanitorium had become one of the worst parody mascots that Jax Justun Studios had ever created!!! It appears that Jax Justun Studios had created actual and living parody monsters!!!! And until October 7th, 2002, Mr. Sanitorium and all of his official parody marketing and such were sent underground at the very low bottom depts of the Jax Justun Studios facility, never to be shown and seen to the parody public eyes ever again!!!! We all know that Mr. Sanitorium had the worst parody backstories of all time, but sadly, they weren't all that dangerous!!!! Even for nearly like 23 years of parody destruction and everything, this massive parody mascot didn't really killed that much people or/and just hurt any innocent lives and everything!!! But it wasn't until a few years later, around on April 10th, 2006, when Mr. Sanitorium had escape his underground prison parody cell and begin to plan his next future parody moves!!!!!

But around that time alone, he wasn't been found or seen caused anymore parody destruction and everything!!!! I guess that Mr. Sanitorium is now hiding and lurking in the shadows, figuring out his next future parody destruction mayhem!!! But all of that's for next time!!!!! Many more years had past and it was now February 24th, 2018, and Nave Jonnson and his official parody designers were making official plans to create their #10thParodyMascot's brand new and official design for their official line-ups of parody mascots for their second series for 2019!!!! And it wasn't easy though, because before Mr. Sanitorium was of course, himself, he'd actually became a lot more different and was originally named as "Sanitorium Vlindicator"!!!!! The name Sanitorium Vlindicator was actually known to be the next main parody villain for the early development phases for the original scripts for both "Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios" and "Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Adventures in High School in: Rise of Lord Admin Within the Depts of Jax Justun Studios"!!!!! On March 2nd, 2018, the first original parody design for Sanitorium Vlindicator was originally going to be a dark blue panda bear, that'll be originally hiding around the shadows and become a very mean bully among all of the other parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Then the second one was going to be a black spotted and blue color snake, which that original plan was going to involved the main heros to defend off their parody dimensions from one portal to another!!!

However though, those original parody designs and scripts were scrapped entirely because none of those makes total sense and those scripts didn't fit in well with a name as Sanitorium Vlindicator and everything!!!! Then March 13th, 2018, three more official parody models and scripts were created, but only two of them were all lost forever!!!! but only one remains to stay all intact and kind of confusing at the same time here!!!! Sanitorium Vlindicator was originally going to be a giant light-blue colored bat as being a Cloud Keeper, and would ruled all over the entire planet Earth, alongside with his trusty parody mascot and parody cameo mascot friends included!!!! There for Sanitorium Vlindicator would become the future parody master of all parodies of Jax Justun Studios and would create a massive town of......Never mind folks!!!! After all of that confusion, those things were all completely scrapped afterwards!!!!


But on October 6th, 2018, it was the day when everything changed for the better good here!!!! Because Sanitorium Vlindicator would be renamed as "Mr. Sanitorium", and along with the official parody designs and models that we all known and love today!!!! Just look at him!!! This is what Mr. Sanitorium was going to be like on them big parody screens and everything!!!!!!! Another cool and interesting fact about Mr. Sanitorium's official and final parody design here's that this entire parody model here was actually been combined with five other unused and scrapped parody models!!! Like The Crayola Brothers, an unused blue and giant butterfly, a very old and unused scrapped parody model for Mr. Snakehead (which would then become the official parody design/model for Mr. Da Wrestler), and of course, Mr. Eyesaur, the official #7thParodyMascot from the first series of 2018 for Jax Justun Studios!!!!!


MAN-O-MAN!!! Who knew that Mr. Sanitorium had like a lot of less of reused parody designs and models here!!!! I didn't expect that!!!! So, as for me with Mr. Sanitorium here, OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!!! I've been waiting for this for like a very long time here!!!! You all can't even believe how stressful I was creating all of the things for Mr. Sanitorium's official and final parody models here!!!! As you all may know by now, Mr. Sanitorium was one of the most biggest and most ambiguous parody characters that I'd ever made in my entire life here!!!! From creating one different PNG/image at a time here, all of Mr. Sanitorium's entire parts of his body were mostly all made from not just on Canva, but also all on Google Drawings as well too!!!! First off though, just like I'd said about my life with The Crayola Brothers, I'd of course created an official drawing on paper (and with crayons) for Mr. Sanitorium!!!! But that was during my final years in middle school!!! And for nearly like seven years of searching, I can NOT for the life of me finding it!!!!! Even when I found the other old parody drawings for my other parodies, everything was just a massive pile of a mess and trash!!!! But what I do remembered was that I'd originally created Mr. Sanitorium's official designs, but it was really different!!!! All there ever was just only a head and a few hands coming dark-black-like portals and that's it!!!!

And of course, a hat with spikes all around the curved sides and everything!!! But that's all I can ever remembered here!!!! And years after all of that, I haven't been making and designing anymore parody forms for Mr. Sanitorium because once again, for like the #100th time here, I was just super DUPER busy with high school and everything!!!!! But after I'd finally graduated from high school, around nest year in 2024 roughly, I'd finally had the chances to redesign Mr. Sanitorium and everything!!!! But it was NOT an east task!!! Since Mr. Sanitorium was of course, a massive parody character, I had to create multiple and different images on Google Drawings to create step-by-step processes in order to make Mr. Sanitorium all pop and everything!!!! But this was around on #FebOf2024, and my eyes were just suffering to make all of this parody nonsense to happen and everything!!!!! The Vaccum Brothers were easy to handle with, and same goes for The Crayola Brothers, but as for Mr. Sanitorium, it was never an amazing time and moment to live around!!!!! At first glance, I first began to model the head for Mr. Sanitorium, it was kind of an easy step, but creating the entire portions of Mr. Sanitorium's entire blue snake-like body was just miserable!!!!


By taking a look at these multiple images here, you can all already tell that only four of these images are just super outdated here!!!! When you look at the head of Mr. Sanitorium here in the middle, the chin of it looks a bit less fat underneath it!!! Which again, I'd created that entire head all on Canva!!!! And after that, I'd took an official screenshot of it and created an official copied version of it all on Google Drawings!!!!


But look at the two images from top to bottom, those aren't different images here!!! Those were actually the exact same version of Mr. Sanitorium, but with a few different tweaks here and there!!! From scales, to lasers, to many different kinds of legs, feet, wings, and arms/hands, and many sizes and lengths of the body portions!!!!


Once again, all of that were officially all made from me all on Google Drawings!!! And my goodness, my eyes were zoning all over the place while I was looking at my gaming laptop for like 24 hours straight!!!! And I had to to use so many shapes and copied past images from making it all pop out and everything, and the scaling-ness for extending the image was officially limited all on Google Drawings, so I had to create many crazy versions of Mr. Sanitorium and everything!!!! Then of course, there's the small parts for Mr. Sanitorium's entire body!!!!


First there were the legs, which were pretty easy and everything, but looking at them, some of which were designed a little but more wonkey because I wanted to have Mr. Sanitorium to have multiple mixed body parts and everything!!!! And then there was the hat for Mr. Sanitorium, which again, wasn't all that bad to design and model after all!!!!


But then there were these images here!!!! The A hand and a different version of feet for Mr. Sanitorium!!!!! Which again, they were kind of amazing and funny to create because I had no ideas on why that I'd even make those body parts here in the first place!!!!!



But finally though, there were the different versions of the wings here!!!! The one at the bottom was fine enough and was easy to construct and everything, but the one on top though was different and also a terrible story!!!! I had no chance to use both Canva and Google Drawings to design and model all at the same time!!! It was also known to be one of the most detailed parts for Mr. Sanitorium entire body that I had ever created!!!!! Just look at this!!!! I had no idea and just zero clues on why I even created that wing in the first place here!!!!


And finally, what is with this laser that I'd made here??? I mean, it looks fine and very detailed and all, but why on Earth would I ever use and created it for Mr. Sanitorium's final parody looks?!?!?!! Was it because of those made-up and not real fantasy and folklore stories that I'd made for Mr. Sanitorium???? Was it because some more and extra details on top!??!?!?!?!!! Well, I guess so!!!! And by the way, this is the only laser image/PNG that I'd made here. So, I have like no idea where the other two are here!!! I just have so much images here on my computer here!!!!!


But from February 3rd to 5th of 2024, after nearly three long days of pain, suffering, and frustration, I'd finally created the official and final parody design/model for none other then Mr. Sanitorium, the official #10thParodyMascot of Jax Justun Studios from Series Two of 2019!!!!! Just look at him?!?!?!!! Where do I even begin with this guy here!!!! Mr. Sanitorium's entire new parody looks are just an absolute mess here!!!! There's like four versions of the dark blue and much more better detailed wing which are small and big, there's only two images of the blue and not so detailed wing, there's like small body parts coming out of bigger body parts, the tail doesn't look so great and it blends in so welly with the wings, and Mr. Sanitorium has like three lasers coming out in three different locations on his entire body here!!!! One coming out of his spine, another one coming out the bottom of his back-thing, and another one, which looks far more bigger and it's like coming out of his actual butt???? I mean, come on now!!! Which body part is which here on Mr. Sanitorium's entire body here???? I don't know folks!!! I was all out of ideas around that time I guess!!!!

And why did I made some the legs so big and like attached them on a few sides on Mr. Sanitorium's not so pretty tail!??!?!!! Well folks, I guess the world would never even know I guess!!! Overall, was the official #10thParodyMascot, Mr. Sanitorium was arguably one of the best parody mascots that I'd ever made here??? Well, to be officially honest about all of this here, Mr. Sanitorium was one of my most favorite parodies to look at, but also known as the least favorite parody character to model and design around!!!! Like comparing towards my other parodies that I'd made in the past months, this one was actually both of my most and least favorite parodies that I'd ever created and imagined!!!! Yeah!!! Sorry to end this #10thEpisodeChapter here on some low-ish note here!!!! But, maybe next time, I've should had been a lot more better and a bit more cleaner from making this #10thParodyCharacter all come to life and everything!!!!! So, there you have it folks, that was the #10thChapterEpisode of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!! Man!!! The official name of this one right here speaks for itself right??? Mr. Sanitorium right here was a terrible sanitorium station!!!! But anyways, sorry if this one took a bit more longer to make here because there was again yet a lot of stuff that I had to put on here to make all of the stories of Jax Justun Studios come to life here and everything!!!!!

And it was the least that I could've done to make this all come to life and everything!!! Thankfully though, the next future instalments for the next episodes/chapters for this series here will be much better and the next parody mascots were a lot less stressful then Mr. Sanitorium right here!!!! But I can still say's that Mr. Sanitorium's still an awesome parody character of Jax Justun Studios!!! Not the best though from designing/modeling and everything!!!! But anyways you guys, I'll be taking a break from creating these things though because I want to create the rest of the next future parody projects as the best that I can do here!!!! So for now folks, this was the final post for today here on November 24th, 2024!!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates, see you all next time, and have a safe and relaxing afternoon/goodnight sleep!!!! See you all next time!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #MrSanitoriumWasCrazyIndeed!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!! #Happy210thBirthdayJJS!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!

End of The #10thJJSChronicle!!!!

(Stay tuned for the next future parody Episode/Chapter of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!! Where all of the Parody Secrets, Details, and Histories of all Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios will be revealed next, in the nearest future!!!! See you all next time and keep on Parody-ing!!! I still don't even know what "Parody-ing" even means here....Well, be safe you guys and happy Parody-ing!!! I'll be back shortly!!!!)



Next up

Jax Justun Studios Movie Poster #23 (Lord Eye Socket's "LES" Teaser) - Created on: Jan. 2nd, 2025 (Originally Created: Jan. 2nd, 2019) 2025 has finally arrived!!!!! And Draxx Dustun Studios has archived another official #JJSmoviePoster!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #49 - Ghostface - From The SCREAM Movie Series (Mortal Kombat 1 "MK1" 2023) It has been a hot minute since Draxx Dustun Studios had rediscovered their official parody cameo mascots and everything!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #2 - X PlumberGuy (Created on: May 4th, 2024) We had invited you all on our next chapter/episode here on the official parody-like series of this special DDS parody broadcast!!!!!

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.

DDS Parody Depiction #4 (For Bistal Crall) - Created on: February 16th, 2025 Good lord Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! That's the fourth #DDSparodyDepiction this week here on this month, on the sixteenth day here on #FebOf2025!!!!!

Hey yall!.

Project:playtime is right around the corner so as we all sit around waiting!...

i made this cool lil boxy boo scene!.


JJS Parody Bio Poster #16 (For Lord Admin) - Created on: Jan. 9th, 2025 It has now been nearly almost two whole weeks now since 2025 had started positively strong you guys!!!! And now, it's finally the time folks!!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #15 (For Stolas) - Created on: January 5th, 2025 You all heard the title of this thing here, or date for that matter!!! It's now January 5th, 2025, and we have yet another/special thing to show you all here!!!!!

All firmed up and ready to go! Thank you to those who joined me when I made Killy Willy 😁

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #16 (For Mrs. Mayberry) - Created on: January 7th, 2025 It's been pretty late here on January 7th, 2025, but now that everything's all peaceful and everything, time for some future updates!!!!!