11 months ago

2019 Parody Character #15 - Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) - (Created on: Feb. 6th, 2024) - WOW!! He's here already folks!!!! After hours of working from today, the #15ParodyCharacterof2019's already looking more detailed then never before!!!!!!!

So for all of my beloved FNAF fans out here on GameJolt, Parody Character #15, known as "Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) or just whatever you can call him, looks far more detailed and has like more character put into it!!!! Gone from being just all Gray and BLACK, now has more colors and has many more things on top of him!!!!

Like armor and such, a crown, and has parts that were like from robots and whatnot....... Anyways, here he is up more closer and everything!!!!!


So yeah, you all thought that Mr. Stappular's new redesign look far more advanced, just look at Mr. Sheffinton's redesigns and models!!!! He's looks far more sinister then before!!!! He's even more faster now then those speed-ness-es of lighting-ness-es........................ So yeah guys, our 3rd and LAST Mall Keeper of today's all done and finished from remastering!!!!!!


And for bonus points, here's the Banner Poster Shrine of all of the Parody Characters that I'd made so far.......With now the inclusion of Mr. Cheffinton's new redesigns and textures!!!! Does it look great or what?!?!?!?!!!!


So yeah guys, that's about it for today you guys!!!! Hope you guys have a wonderful and safe night!!! Have a great day everybody!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #MrCheffintonorMrSheffinton #TheMallKeeperofAllMalls #AndThemOtherMallKeepers!!!!!!!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Next up

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #10 - Mr. Stopwatcher (Created on: December 17th, 2024) It's has been 12 whole months now here in 2024, and today here on #Dec17th2024, I've created the/my official #2300thGameJolt here on GameJolt!!!!

2019 Parody Character #14 - Mr. Stappular (Created on: February 5th, 2024) This right here's none other then "Mr. Naustcer Starr"!!!! Wait a minute??? This is robotic-like Samurai Pig that we're talking here??? How's he a star??? OH!!!!! Too soon?????

HT Band Member Song Album #8 (Mr. Corallus) - (Created on: December 15th, 2024) The parody delays had FINALLY stop people!!!! After months of waiting, HT Band Entertainment have FINALLY returned for an all new official parody update!!!!!!

#Joltober 2024 has come to an end so we wanted to show off some of the art posted by your fellow Jolters.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's challenge!

(Check the article to links to the original posts so you can give 'em a like!)

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #32 & #33 - Douche "D" & Honey Mustard - Both From Sausage Party Afternoon morning people, December 18th, 2024 was/is today, and Draxx Dustun Studios has their official #23ndAnd33rdPCCs to look at here!!!!!!!

While I'm chilling from game dev, gonna show the endo that was made by @Mortuus

Till next time when I return to working on the projects!

#ArcaneGX!!!!!! #ArcaneGXTips!!!!! #ArcaneGXPrep!!!!! Created back on October 23rd, 2022, (or beyond that) I'd officially made this little fan-made-like art disc thingy thing here!!! And I called/named it as Teaser/Easter Egg #1!!!!! Looks great right????

HT Band Member Parody Bio Poster #5 (For Crystal The Octoling) - Created on: December 15th, 2024 WOW!!!! What a chaotic day this was folks!!!! Good thing it wasn't all that bad!!!! But anyways, here's something from Napature Science!!!!

be prepared

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #6.1 - Piggy BatPig (Created on: December 17th, 2024) December 17th, 2024, baby, we're getting close to Christmas everybody!!!! WHOA!!!!! NarchGraites Pictures have created yet another recalled parody mascot!!!!!!!!!!!