This is Parody Character #19 from the year of 2020, also known as "Mr. Shadowface" and/or better known as also "Prisoner-948-2111BD" and he'll also be making future appearances inside of my future-like FNAF parody games as well!!!!! By the way, hope you're all having a safe afternoon so far you beloved fans of FNAF and SCP: Containment Breach!!!
As for now, stay tuned for future updates!!! By the way, Mr. Shadowface here's also a "Legacy Parody Character" as well!!! But of course, more on that next time!!! #Smooookeeen!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!! #MrShadowfaceTheNewMaskerador!!!!!!!!!!!!