Those Nights at Jax Justun's 2: Invader Zim Strikes Again!

9 months ago

2020 Parody Character #19 - Mr. Shadowface (Created on: February 13th, 2024) Fellow fans of FNAF, SCP, Superhero Movies and TV Shows, and many other Horror Game places, we have given you guys yet another Legacy Parody Character of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!

It or he has been in development since May 28th, 1943, and then about like 75 years later on October 21st, 2018, he was then scrapped for good, and he was replaced by another parody character!!!!! But then, 6 years later, around back on February 13th, 2024, he has finally given yet another chance from them workers of both Minecraftia and of course, Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Meet none other then "Mr. Shadowface", a parody-like ghost creature that's based around the real-life The Mask movie released back on July 29th, 1994, and of course, even its flopped sequel released back on Feb. 18th, 2024, known as Son of the Mask!!!!

This guy turned out pretty well here!!!!! By the way, sorry about the late GameJolt Post again!!! I mean, I did woke up early at around 11:00 AM today here on May 28th, 2024, but still........

..............Umm????? Anyways, all references aside here, this guy first appeared in the early concept footages for or from the original and early stages of the movies and parody games based around the parody timelines of Jax Justun Studios!!! They'd all took place around in the 2018s through the 2019s!!!!!! However though, not much was said about Mr. Shadowface and his early parody debuts and he was then removed and scrapped around in the 2021s!!!!


But then of course, around in February of 2024, Mr. Shadowface here has FINALLY gotten yet another chance to live here!!!! Sadly though, he was pushed back from series three of the 2020s of Jax Justun Studios!!!! I have no idea why that had to do that.........But that's how it was for him here!!!!! And that's all have about Mr. Shadowface and his parody histories and whatnot you guys!!!!!

I'm sorry if all of this stuff is taking a long time to set up here, because May of 2024 is about to end soon and I still need to do some family stuff and also create more and more teasers for my future parody games!!!!! Hopefully you guys understand all of this here........By the way, I'd also added in the official and new logo that I'd made for #ThoseNatJJs2 and added into the description in the middle of the original/old version of the story with it!!!!

And don't worry about the new version of the story for this game here, it'll be out shortly!!! As always you guys, stay tuned for future updates and have a wonderful and safe day!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #ZimThe2ndOBBG #IsReadyToStrikeOnceMore!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #NewAndBetterChanges #AreAlmostReadyHereFolks!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!!



Next up

2020 Parody Character #23 - Vatt Vadder Plant (Created on: February 17th to 18th of 2024) Okay, first off, sorry for again the late post. Secondly, how's it going so far you guys????

2020 Parody Character #22 - Mrs. Gallopsasien (Created on: February 14th, 2024 "Valentine's Day") It's almost the end of May of 2024, and that doesn't mean zero posts for today folks!!!!

To all of them fans of the FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) series and Portal series, I have a special announcement to make here for today!!!! And of course, it's about Parody Cameo Characters Numbers #9 and #11!!!!


Afternoon everybody!!! Today's June 23rd, 2024, and it appears that Jax Justun Studios has done it again!!!! We're showing off once again past #ParodyCameoCharacters that we'd talked about from the past months here in 2024!!!!

Rat Race Production Update

Jax Justun Studios Video #54 - (Created on: March 8th, 2025 - March 9th, 2025) This might've been the most biggest #JJSvideo that the DDS HQ has ever created here!!!!!

Biggest apologies for the long delays and everything, but Jax Justun Studios has finally given you guys their #10thParodyCameoCharacter from Series Three of 2020!!!!

''Could someone be at my window?''

2025 DDS Parody Character #41 - Wattaw Fountten (Created on: March 6th, 2025) Today's now March 6th, 2025, the one year anniversary when first saw the second official parody mascot of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!