And the one that had also started this trending-ness of the Jax Justun Studios Universe entirely!!!!! Created back on February 19th, 2024, I give you guys "Lord Snakehead"!!!! The very first and main villain among the entire parody timeline of Jax Justun Studios and the main and official creator of S.A.W Inc.!!!!!! This guy was one of my favorite and most complicated parody character that I'd ever made so far!!!!
And I gotta say, I really dig Lord Snakehead's head of course!!!! Even his hat as well too!!!! Anyways folks, thanks so much for all of your beloved and positive supports among this entire parody series here you guys!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! Goodnight and see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #SAWincLovesYouAll!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #SnakesAtWar!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!!