But this time on the official gamepage for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 6: S.A.W (Snakes At War)!!!!! (Here's the official First Link on where he'd first seen here: https://gamejolt.com/p/2021-parody-character-36-mr-loveva-day-created-on-april-19th-yfm4wssq) YEP!!!!! This right here's none other then "Mr. Loveva Day", an official parody mascot that we'd officially made here at Jax Justun Studios here on this day alone, on March 2nd, 2010, nearly 15 whole years ago!!!!! And of course, let us all say that he had many of tragic accidents back then, during his evil days here at Jax Justun Studios!!!!! Since August of 2022 though, he hasn't been seen ever since then........Will good old Mr. Loveva Day here will ever to be seen once more here in 2025????? The world may never know here!!!! Yeah!!! Sorry folks!!! Apparently here, I must've forgotten to show and upload this parody mascot here on the official gamepage for #FNatJJs6 #SnakesAtWar!!!!!! Mostly because it was still April of 2024 when I'd first officially created this guy here!!!!!
However though, there's still of course, unknown reasonings on why that I'd even made Mr. Loveva Day in the first place back on April 19th, 2024!!!!!!! But of course, we'll have to wait on his official parody bio poster in order to see more and more future info on this guy of course!!!! Same as for his official episode/chapter of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!!! His official movie parody poster and also his tragic parody backstories included!!!!! But for now folks, we'll just have to wait until more and more future updates have been officially be all created and everything!!!! For now, stay tuned for all of that and I'll see you all next time!!!!!! #SnakesAtWarIncsFinallyBack!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #Happy210thYearAnniversaryJJS!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!
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