Also brothers!!!! We have none other then both of "Jepporteyg" and "Georyg", two of the original villains for the original Jax Justun Studios timelines back from 2018 through 2019!!!! However though, I haven't said much about these things since their first debut and everything, if you guys want to look it up here on GameJolt for yourselves, then yeah!!!! It's your chances to do so!!!!
Hopefully, the original post of these things will show up eventually!!!! And yes, sorry to make this short here, but all I can say more about both of these two parody characters of Jax Justun Studios is that, both of Jepporteyg and Georyg are none other then "Legacy Parody Characters" of Jax Justun Studios!!!! What an interesting surprise right there!!! And by the way, not only that I'd uploaded those two parody characters, but the other ones as well from series four parts one and two as well!!!
I'm not going to go over each of these parody characters one by one from parts one and two of series four of Jax Justun Studios of the 2021s because I'd already show them off already and some histories and backstories about them as well too!!!! For now, just stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #SnakesAtWarAgain!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!