Five Nights at Jax Justun's 7: The Dinosaurs Stomped Again

6 months ago

2022 Parody Character #40 & #41 - Mrs. & Miss Zindoorapter (Both Created on: September 13th, 2024 "Friday The 13th") So, since it's yet another Friday The 13th Day here in #SeptOf2024, we'd here at HHS Inc. & Napature Sci. created something!!!!!

Two things actually!!! After nearly months of waiting, the good for nothing "Zindooraptor Sisters" have finally been created!!!!! Since during development with Jax Justun Studios since September 13th, 2014, a year before Jurassic World was release, these two parody-like dinosaur beasts had many few mishaps along the way!!! And by the way, both of these things were officially voice by one of our official HHS staff known as "Krintten Doney Mayzzment"!!! And yes folks, I'm afraid that these two were actually rushed projects!!! Even since development with Jax Justun Studios for nearly 11 years now, these two were definitely rushed parody projects!!!!

And yes, they're both literally copies of themselves, but with just a few adjustments and remodeled stuff!!!! But anyways folks, that's it for today I guess!!! Sorry to cut this short but, Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science must need to take 24 hour nap until the next day comes out!!!! And yes folks, every single parody cameo characters will be eventually having their parody remodels and everything!!!! Anyways, stay safe and see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #JaxJustunStudiosLovesYouAll!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #ParodyDInosaursAreComingSoon!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!



Next up

2022 Parody Cameo Character #39 - Asmodeus - From Helluva Boss So yeah, I think that's enough with them parody updates for now I guess!!! So, now let's end off for today/tonight for our final post here!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #37 - Mr. Eye Socket (MES) (Created on: Feb. 27th, 2025) We're all closing in until the very ends of #FebOf2025 you guys!!!!! But that didn't stop Draxx Dustun Studios to end already!!! Because they'd found.......Wait......??????

Jax Justun Studios Video #53 - (Created on: Feb. 27th, 2025 - March 1st, 2025) Well guys, Haxx Hustun Studios, Napature Science, & HT Band Entertainment are all FINALLY back!!!!!


JJS Parody Depiction #36 (For Mr. Loveva Day) - Created on: March 2nd, 2025 Today's March 2nd, 2025, and we here at Jax Justun Studios are all FINALLY back from our beloved 5 month/2 year long vacation!!!!!

Rat Race Production Update

2022 Parody Cameo Characters #40, #41, & #42 - Mr. Morrsa The Mosasaurus, Blue The Raptor, & Elasmo the Elasmosaurus - From Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom & Dominion Today's #Nov9th2024, and wow folks!!! THREE more #PCCs from Jax Justun Studios are here!!

2022 Parody Character #44 - Drackeya the Postosuchus (Created on: June 13th, 2024) Well my fellow folks, the wait's FINALLY over!!!!! Jax Justun Studios has finally given us our very #1st parody character that's an actual DINOSAUR!!!!!


2022 Parody Character #43 - Andrew the Andrewsarchus (Created on: July 2nd, 2024 - July 3rd, 2024) Hello my fellow fans of FNAF, SCP, and Jurassic Park/World!!!! We're FINALLY with yet another Parody Character from Jax Justun Studios!!!!