These Nights at Jax Justun's: Let The Rage Begin!!!

10 months ago

2022 Parody Character #51 - Vicctoria the Purple Terrana-Bird (Created on: May 22nd, 2024) Good afternoon everybody!!!!! Sorry for the late post for today, I kind of slept in a bit late....But that's okay folks!!!

And yes, this parody character took a while to create, but it or HE wasn't as so complicated as usual here!!!! Anyways, for all of them fans of FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's), SCP: Containment Breach, BanBan, and the Jurassic World/Park Universe, I give all of you guys the #51stParodyCharacter of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!! Known as "Prisoner-X40X", also known as "Vicctoria the Purple Terrana-Bird" or just "Vic" for short!!!!!

To be honest here folks, this one was arguably one of the best and most easiest parody characters that I'd made so far!!! I mean, it did took me like a few hours to make Vicctoria and everything, but I had lots of fun neither the less for today here on May 22nd, 2024!!!! And yes!!! Don't ask why I'd named this parody dinosaur bird/character as like a girl..... I had no ideas or clues what this was all about!!!!!

And not only that, this was one of my very first and ever parody-like dinosaur creations that I'd ever made so far!!!! Isn't that exciting or what!?!?!?!?!!! Anyways folks, see you all next time!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LetTheRageNessBegin!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!



Next up

2022 Parody Character #58 - The Suit-it-Up Pink-Purple Dragon (AKA: Aeddin) (Created on: July 7th, 2024) The Rage is almost completed!!! And I mean that yet another Parody Character of Jax Justun Studios is finally been completed!!!!!!

Sakehatenafiyer's Heads #4 & #5 (Jaylack "Jaytoned" Drawnsoon & Gerrorgay Correctonson "Males Age 139 & 200") - Both Created Together on: March 12th, 2025 MY GOD DDS HQ!!!! There's another one here!!!!! And it's combine together as two here?????

For the official #BadArtChallenge and everything, I had decided to show you all some pretty old fanart creations that I'd officially made during the #OfficialJoltoberEvent back around in October of 2023!!!!!

Another Small Update

He's finally here you guys!!! After nearly months of waiting here in the year of 2024, he has returned in the parody universe & timelines of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!

2022 Parody Character #60 - Foreverrtrap (Created on: July 6th, 2024) Well look what we have here folks??? Yet another parody character of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!

Sakehatenafiyer's Head #2 (Arvren Hentterson "Male Age 147") - Created on: March 12th, 2025 Another official snake-thingy-thing-thang has been found here!!!!!!

HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TRTF 2! A 2-Night demo is out now, nothing much

2022 Parody Character #56 - Redhot Fire The Dark Red Fire Dragon (Created on: June 1st, 2024 - June 3rd, 2024) I know it's been awhile, but here we are now folks!!!! He's FINALLY been redesigned and everything!!!!