With All Gathered Army, Of The Assassins, The Renegades, And Betrayed Soldiers.
And all Friends. it was time to Finally Prepare to Kill The Syndicate Multiverse Leader.
King Multiverse & Shadow TD
With All Weapons Prepared, Lethals, Tacticals.
And Self-Revives, it was Finally Time to put an End, to King [My Father] & Shadow TD [ My & 2022's Nemesis]
Time to Enter to the WARZONE.
With The Final Prayers Said, and Possible Goodbyes to The Chicago, And To All friends he made Throughout his and Their Missions,
His look at ES!Sans and 2022 TD, and at Kat & Ana
Has Soften but he knew
This was For Frank, For Clara, For Cross, For 2021 TD!Sans
And For Innocents, And Mostly FOR HIS DEAD FAMILY.
Proceeding To The Final Boss, will Lock you away Of Unfinished Missions, and Unfinished Side Missions, and Such.
if you believe You're Ready to Face The Final Boss...Equip your Gun, Salute, and Walk off.
*I'm Ready *I'm Not Ready Yet

The Final Objectives:
-Assassinate King Multiverse
-Assassinate Shadow TD!Sans
-Sabotage [Defuse] Bomb On Radioactive Power Plant
-Destroy The Cloning Machine [Stop Another Army of TD!Sans's]
Optional Objective - Fed off The King & Shadow's Army