When I'm trying to say's that, if any of you guys out there are big fans of the Kingdom Heart Series, then "Aqua" here's right for all of you guys!!!!! Well folks, Draxx Dustun Studios has finally given you all the official sneak peeks at their #7thAndFINAL #ParodyCameoCharcExperiment of Draxx Dustun Studios from Series One of 2024!!!!! YEP!!! It appears that Series One of all parody mascots/experiments and parody cameo experiments/mascots of Draxx Dustun Studios has finally come to an end here today folks!!!!
And on this day alone, way back on August 24th, 1783, our beloved Aqua, also known as what Draxx Dustun Studios love/like to call her as also "Aqua Keyblade", was one of the most popular parody mascots/experiments of all time!!!! We'll explain in more future updates/details about Aqua later on!!! For now folks, stay tuned for some more future updates!!! And yes!!! There's two versions/variants of Aqua here!!!! Anyways, stay safe and have a safe and wonderful day!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #AquaKeybladeLovesYouAll!!!!!! #RespectAllThemParodies!!!!!!