Hold on, that really didn't even came out right here!!!! Anyways, to end of for today/tonight (after a few chaotic moments here and there), Draxx Dustun Studios has finally created and shown off their official #23rdParodyMascot, which was officially created way back on March 7th, 1949!!!!! Meet none other than "Radio Creek", another official hand-made parody mascot that was officially hand-made!?!?!?!?!!!! Officially made by Nave Jonnson's daughter, "Debbradaey Jonnson"????? Really!?!??!!! And Radio Creek's also known to be an official Mall Keeper!?!?!?!! Same as for his best friend and also other hand-made parody mascot and Mall Keeper known as Zauffeey????? WOW!!!! What a way to end off for tonight folks!!!!!! Looks like Draxx Dustun Studios had also created official hand-made parody mascots as well too here!!!! Anyways folks, we'll be giving out some more official parody info about Radio Creek for later on folks because it is already getting later here!!!!!!!
And yes, Radio Creek will of course be the most friendliest parody mascot of all time!!!! Along with some official DDS hand-made parody mascots as well too!!!!! And of course, Radio Creek was also been yet another quick and simple parody mascot to design here folks!!!!! Again, told you all that this year's going to be more and more different and bigger!!!!! Anyways folks, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!! By the way, yes!!!!! Radio Creek also does have a face!!!! And for some reason hands as well too!!!!! And two different antennas here!!!! What a weird radio-like parody mascot/Mall Keeper here folks!!!!! Anyways, goodnight and see you all next time!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!! #OfficialDDShandMadeParody #MascotsAreAllOnTheirWayFolks!!!!!!! #2025sGoingToBeWildPeople!!!!!!!!
(Vmmpjphs ohuk-thkl Whyvkf Thzjvaz (wsbz aol vulz aoha dlyl hszv yljhsslk huk vm jvbyzl, aol whyvkf jhtlv vulz) ohcl hsylhkf illu zwvaalk hsylhkf!!!! Hss vmmpjphssf thkl myvt Kyhee Kbzabu Zabkpvz vm jvbyzl!!!!! 54 76 79 6c 20 76 6d 20 61 6f 6c 7a 6c 20 6f 68 75 6b 2d 74 68 6b 6c 20 4b 4b 5a 20 77 68 79 76 6b 66 20 74 68 7a 6a 76 61 7a 20 64 70 73 73 20 76 6d 20 6a 76 62 79 7a 6c 20 69 6c 20 79 6c 68 6b 66 20 62 75 61 70 73 20 61 6f 6c 70 79 20 6b 6c 7a 70 6e 75 7a 20 68 75 6b 20 74 76 6b 6c 73 7a 20 6f 68 63 6c 20 6d 70 75 68 73 73 66 20 69 6c 6c 75 20 6d 70 75 70 7a 6f 6c 6b 20 62 77 20 68 75 6b 20 77 79 76 6a 6c 7a 7a 6c 6b 21 21 21 21 20 49 6c 20 7a 68 6d 6c 20 68 75 6b 20 6f 68 63 6c 20 68 20 6f 68 77 77 66 20 75 6c 64 20 66 6c 68 79 20 6f 6c 79 6c 20 76 6d 20 32 30 32 35 21 21 21 21)
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