These Nights at Jax Justun's 11: Gimentus PrimeMantuss On Top With The Universums

3 months ago

2024 DDS Parody Character #28 - Vaddey Brugg (Created on: January 8th, 2025) My eyes are tired from all of this here folks!!!!! On this day alone, on January 8th, 2000, the official #28thDDSparodyMascot was created and born from Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!!!

Why is she created like this???? I have no idea!!!! Anyways, her name's "Vaddey Brugg", and she's yet another kind of parody mascot/virus assistant that helps people with the internet, trying to help people from being the most popular/famous people in history on all over the internet!!!!! And yes, Vaddey Brugg's the younger sister of Berrindgeion!!!!! The least favorite parody mascot that was made/created nearly almost eight years beforehand!!!!! And for some reason or another here, Vaddey Brugg was the most beautiful and the most favorite parody mascot that was ever created from the world of Berrassic PW (Park World) Entertainment!!!!! I don't why that was a thing back then, but I guess she was a girl of course!!!!

Come to think of it though, almost every female-ed parody mascot, recalled parody mascot, and parody cameo mascot from Draxx Dustun Studios were like the most popular and famous ones then the male-ed ones I guess!!!! And of course, apparently, not only that Vaddey Brugg had an official parody website of her very own, but she's also known to be yet another official Mall Keeper created from Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!! And yes, her older brother Berrindgeion's also known to be an official #DDSmallKeeper as well too!!!!! That also goes for Jhob Stopper, Nappy Snappy (Mr. Lazyhose's brother), Mr. Occassoe Caysso, Sailley Gailey, Lord, Sir and Ms. "Little Miss" Nudbbal, and of course, Scworppilla as well too!!!! OH YEAH!!!! Also Mr. Coined Crabs, Vissa Clan, and Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko"!!!! Apparently folks, you had seen nearly a grand/official total of thirteen official Mall Keepers created all officially from Draxx Dustun Studios, Berrassic PW (Park World) Entertainment and NarchGraites Pictures!!!!! That's like a lot of them here folks!!!!

Anyways, Vaddey Brugg was just one of the most random parody imaginations that I'd ever could've came up with here!!!! And as for me with Vaddey Brugg right here, well, she really isn't the most fun time parody mascot that I'd ever created here!!! I mean, she was easy and simple to model and design all on Google Drawings, but come on.......What can you even say about Vaddey Brugg right here???? Apart from some official controversial moments of course???? Anyways folks, I guess Vaddey Brugg was officially been the second #DDSparodyMascot ever created here in 2025!!!!! I hope the next ones will be a lot more better then this one right here!!!!! Any who folks, I will see you all next time!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates about Vaddey Brugg and her up and down parody lore, secrets, and backstories!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #VaddeyBruggWasntAll....... #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!! #The15thParodyEraSagas #AlreadyGoingGreatFolks!!!!!!!



Next up

DDS Parody Depiction #7 (For Mrs. Pieya-Face) - Created on: March 29th, 2025 Oh boy!!! My allergies are acting up again!!! Hopefully, not as worse-er then before!!!!! But hey, this matches today's post here on March 29th, 2025!!!!

Sakehatenafiyer's Heads #4 & #5 (Jaylack "Jaytoned" Drawnsoon & Gerrorgay Correctonson "Males Age 139 & 200") - Both Created Together on: March 12th, 2025 MY GOD DDS HQ!!!! There's another one here!!!!! And it's combine together as two here?????

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #6 - Sakehatenafiyer (King Zing SnakeMcfieyer) (Created on: March 9th, 2025 - March 13th, 2025) Holy molly!!! Positive quality quantity are always the ways here folks!!! YEP!!! That's correct you guys!!!!!

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

Official Opening Parts for #55thJJSvideo Only - (Created on: March 30th, 2025) Whoa!!! Is it already out??? Yeah!!! Don't be fooled you guys!!!!!

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

DDS Discovery Parody Archiver #8 - Dr. Harley Sawyer - From Poppy Playtime (Version #1 Created on: March 15th, 2025) Oh my god you guys, it looks like Draxx Dustun Studios (plus the parody HQs of both JJS and HHS) had gone mad here folks!!!!

TheseNatJJs10 (All DDS Parody Cameo Mascots from Series Two/2024) - Created on: March 27th, 2025 Okay, final post for today/tonight for real's this time!!! Yes, I had to create this because I was bored for like couple of seconds and everything!!!!!

My Birthday + Final Release

Jax Justun Studios Video #54 - (Created on: March 8th, 2025 - March 9th, 2025) This might've been the most biggest #JJSvideo that the DDS HQ has ever created here!!!!!