2024... gosh, I... I don't know what to say... except...
Y'all are the BEST!
I sincerely could not be more grateful for all you've done for me this year! This is one of the craziest, and most fun, years of game development I've ever had.
We started off with the release of Cabin Fever 2: The End, which I am still super happy so many people enjoyed! Then, what felt like outta nowhere, Night at Nuggit's BLEW UP, and is my first game to reach followers in the thousands. I am so super thankful for the reception Nuggit's got!! Then, we end off with a demo for Five Nights at Wario's: High Rollers Jackpot Edition. I really like how it's coming along, and I'm thrilled y'all enjoy the demo so far!
And not just that, we've got White Rabbit and Five Nights at Wario's: Double Remix announced this year too!
You've all helped to make this such an incredible year, I really cannot express just how thankful I am for what you've all done for me. The response to what I've been putting out has been staggering.
You've reminded me why I love doing this in the first place. I love making games that we can all enjoy together. I love seeing what people think of what I put out there. I love sharing my interests with people who think similarly. I want to make people happy. Even if it's just one person, even just for one day. It's worth it. It's all I could ask for.
2024 has been amazing. I love you all. Thank you.
Let's make 2025 the best year we can! I hope the year treats you well, and when times get rough, I'm hoping I can make things atleast a little better for you. I cannot wait to get more games out to you all, this year should be a big one!
I cannot wait to continue on this journey with you all, and I hope you'll follow me through it. I'll say it again, y'all are the best! Let's do this, 2025!
And, ah, seems like a good time to post this again!