The Return to Jax Justun's 4: Hechology Technolegy

5 months ago

2024 HHS Parody Character #6 - Mr. Dynamtapus (Created on: Feb. 25th, 2024 - March 6th, 2024) Afternoon everybody!!!!!!! Since today is/was the last day of July of 2024, we have something very special to look at once more for the summertime of 2024!!!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios Chronicle #5

Episode Five: Mr. Dynamtapus

Chapter Five: (Exploding Positive Squid Dynamite)

After nearly 10 Calendar Days in just two months alone, the #6thParodyMascotCharacter of Haxx Hustun Studios has finally been created!!!! And nearly just only four whole months of waiting, created from December 10th, 1918, through May 17th, 1971, nearly like only 53 years from the making of things, then redesigned and remodeled from February 25th to March 6th of 2024, and then been finally teased officially at night on March 6th, 2024 (I think????.......), "Mr. Dynamtapus" and/or better known as "Prisoner-D3XXL93", has finally been returned after five whole months of waiting for yet another reveal-ness!!!!!


(Official Link to Where Mr. Dynamtapus had Began Revealing his Official Explosive Looks:

And was also and arguably one of the most famous and popular HHS Parody Mascot of all time!!!! And one of the most biggest parody mascots of all time too as well!!!! I mean, he may looked all small and tiny when looking at him here on the internet, but in real-life though, he was totally really more massive then this!!!!

However, like we'd said before a while back and everything, not all much had been said and shown just yet on how Mr. Dynamtapus has gotten recalled in the first place and everything.........Tuned in next time for some more clues out in context-ness!!!!! So yeah guys, that's it for today or for tonight I guess..........My GAWD, I didn't expect this dude to be all finished up already like pretty late for today!!!! And yes, on May 17th, 2024's the celebration for Mr. Dynamtapus's #53rdYearAnniversary #AndBirthday also!?!??!?!?!!! WOW!!!!


(Official Link to Where Mr. Dynamtapus's Cartoon Depiction was ever first discovered!!! (Alongside with Wagonlley's Cartoon Depiction as well too!!!!) :


(Official And/Or Most Recent Link to Where Mr. Dynamtapus's #HHS Cartoon Parody Poster was revealed towards us for the first time ever!!! (Alongside with The Official #HHSClassifiedRecalled Stamp Thingy of course!!!):

And of course, all of that's now off topic-ish now, and here's more information about Mr. Dynamtapus and his entire history from becoming the rise of fall of becoming the biggest and most famous parody mascot/character of all time!!!! So yeah folks, one day you can be a most famous person of all time, until you'll be doing one of the worst things of all time nearly just three or fours years after your popularity had grown successfully!!! These exact same scenarios goes to Mr. Dynamtapus, the most infamous and most positive and talented parody mascot of all time!!!!


Or better yet, in some cases that you're talk of the town, and then the next day, you'd then became yesterday's news!!! And that of course goes to Mr. Dynamtapus, the #6thParodyMascot of Haxx Hustun Studios who WAS the most infamous and most positive and REALLY talented parody mascot/character of all time!!!! Well of course, he use too!!! Yet again, the most massive and yet again, popular performance and stage actor extraordinaire and consoler known as Mr. Dynamtapus, was created in May 17th, 1971, by none other then "Jerrecfreck Dynam Tapus", the official creator and mastermind creator and circus leader behind Mr. Dynamtapus and the official Circus Performing Shows of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!

For nearly like three or four years (which is actually five years) after Mr. Dynamtapus's first debut, Mr. Dynamtapus of course, has become the most infamous public parody eye among the entire world, but then all was fell until August of 1976, due to some millions of harsh and cruel feedback, recalls of course, and many many incidents & accidents, along with the other parody mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios from the first series/line up alone!!!! Mr. Dynamtapus was supposably initially with some greeted future excitement and enjoyment of entertainment. He'd been promised to have the powers and programing to have not just having a few anger issues based on the actual shows and movies (plus the spin-offs), but also been greeted to having the designs and programs from performing live stage shows and can also help others creating their personal lifespans and goals and extend them like crazy!!!

However though, it wasn't until five years later, on August 21st, 1976, when good old Mr. Dynamtapus had become more dangerous and explosive towards ages from youngers to olders!!!! When spending more time with Mr. Dynamtapus, people from all over the world had started to realized some horrible and dangerous flaws among the coding features of Mr. Dynamtapus's programing!!! Employees and staff workers from both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios included!!!!


One of the most massive and hopeless complaints about Mr. Dynamtapus were his annoying and stressful anger tempers and his dangerous and ACTUAL explosions!!!! Which of course, featured lines and sayings that Mr. Dynamtapus was NOT supposed to say out loud or towards anyone else in public, frustrating time setups for meditation and consoling sessions, and terrifying notes of goals and lifespans written on paper none other from Mr. Dynamtapus himself!!!! People of all ages from all over the world (plus the staff of both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios and Jerrecfreck himself as well too) had found themselves or just experiencing random explosions in front of their faces and hearing many harsh AND inappropriate things that saying towards Mr. Dynamtapus himself, which had made all this stuff leading everyone with many frustrating blood pressure levels and boredom!!!

Then of course on that day alone on August 21st, 1967, the poor and dangerous programming choices for Mr. Dynamtapus had not lost on all people and many other live performance actors, and reviews on the Official Haxx Hustun Studios website for Mr. Dynamtapus were all super-duper and REALLY overwhelmingly negative!!!!! Two people in particular, Blrveggey C. Spreyer and Veggiee Spreyer, both had made two individual harsh and aggressive reviews that had made not only made the rest of the circus actors of Haxx Hustun Studios (minus Jerreckfreck in particular reasonings) feel so disgustingly heartbroken and depressed inside, but also made Mr. Dynamtapus to become the most threatening parody mascot among the entire internet!!!

Then a few months later, on December 21st, 1967, a few days before Christmas, four more different harsh and gross reviews that were made from Cheerley V, the Nudbbal Twins, and Mayor Dayeor "Mayor Da. Yeor", had then made Mr. Dynamtapus into a raging of a parody octo-squid-like beast!!! Then three months later, next year on March 6th, 1977, Mr. Dynamtapus would then caused a massive event from killing up to 700 million people in just seven to 20 countries!!!! From small countries to big ones!!!!


This had made Mr. Dynamtapus become one of the very first and ever official Recalled Parody Mascots/Characters that would ever lead into the darkest depts of the histories and lore of both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! Though the rest of rise and fall story of Mr. Dynamtapus was then let for a future lore to unfold, it appears that Jerreckfreck and the rest of the official circus members of Haxx Hustun Studios had made and taught all of them some serious and most valuable lessons about parodies, listening carefully for feedbacks and suggestions, and the important-ness from improving yourself!!!!!!!

The now downfall stories of Mr. Dynamtapus and his awful design and programing flaws has serves as telling stories on how your futures would look like from creating your mascot characters and bring them to life!!!! This is also for many of us as well too!!! Remember to always listen to feedback, improve your work and skills, and never rush on by to try to get what you wanted for a very long time!!!! Okay then, that was a lot more longer then I thought it was.......


.........Anyways, much like the other parody mascots/characters of Haxx Hustun Studios from Series One from before, Mr. Dynamtapus was actually teased way before the other ones were teased!!!! Mr. Dynamtapus was teased all the way back on September 12th, 2023, nearly a year in a half before actual development for "Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science" was being made!!! Minecraftia included!!!!! He was also been the one who had like the most development cycles of all time!!! From having to had so many design flaws in just one case alone!!!! Thankfully though, roughly around on April 4th, 2024, Mr. Dynamtapus was then giving all the rights to the director and the workers of both Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science!!!!

And of course, the Mr. Dynamtapus that we all know in love today was finally been revealed to all our eyes finally!!! Nearly just two whole months from being redesigned in his final development cycles!!!! Speaking of which, there were more old designs and models for Mr. Dynamtapus, but of course, all of it were all lost forever!!!! All but one though, because originally he was not only originally coded and named as "Of-Vaw-Dozen", but he was also originally become a Mosasaurus/Elemosaurus-like dinosaur!!!



Which as you can see by now, this was then actually became the official design and model for none other then "Therrance", known as also-also as well-well as "Prisoner-PXKL437XS", the official and #14thParodyMascotCharacter of Series Two of 2024 for Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!! However though, there was another old model and design that's also like that, but it was all gray and black!!!! Not much has been said about that design/model, but they'll be future updates for that later on!!!!

There were also rumors that Mr. Dynamtapus was originally and supposed to be a male butterfly (which was his third original design), but that was then sadly scrapped and was then used for a female butterfly design!!!


And why's that you asked??? Well, this official design/model here for Mrs. VearnaulkFly here speaks for itself!!! And it was kind of awkward at the time of why that originally made Mr. Dynamtapus into a butterfly!!! But then of course, Mr. Dynamtapus's fourth design was then changed into a male spider???


Which that's technically and actually the most recent and official design for Savarllet Sprinner, which she's the #11thRecalledParodyMascot of Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science!!!!! And of course then, it was then scrapped as well too!!! Then, there were more old designs and models for Mr. Dynamtapus, like a centipede with a Santa's hat, a purple snail, a purple-like Eel/Snake, and a freaking black train???? Including a while jet-like plane and a brown wreck pirate ship!??!?!!!


Which that's yet again and technically yet another official render/design from yet another most recent parody mascot that we'd just made most recently!!!! And of course, there were more rumors that Mr. Dynamtapus was originally need to be a massive red-like dragon that wears a black-ish suit and pants!!!! Which, that's actually not that bad at all!!!! Man!!!!! I wish that could happened!!!! Oh!!! It had also said that Mr. Dynamtapus was also originally going to be part of the Draxx Dustun Studios line-up???? Wait!!! Never mind!!! I mean, he was originally supposed to be a jack-in-a-box???



SERIOUSLLY!!!!! AGAIN!!!! This was actually the official design and model for the #19thParodyMascot from Haxx Hustun Studios for Series Two of 2024!!!!! Okay, all unused designs and models aside, from two original scripts for Mr. Dynamtapus here, he was actually going to be the main and actual villain of entire Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science series!!! But then, as soon as all of the official members of the #HTbandMembers were officially introduced, that #1stOriginalScript was then scrapped for good!!!! And of course, then there's the second unused script!!! It has said that Mr. Dynamtapus was going to be not only the original #3rdParodyMascot of Haxx Hustun Studios, but he was also originally to be planed a the main mastermind of Hechology Technology!!!!!


And of course, the second one was scrapped because it made no sense, but sounded a bit confusing, and it seemed that Mr. Dynamtapus was nothing like himself at all!!! And of course, around on April 14th, 2024, both of Mr. Dynamtapus's designs/models and scripts were then changed into the ones that we'd all know in love today!!!! So that brings nearly almost the very end of our #5thHHSchronicle post!!!!!


YEAH!!! That was a lot to talk about here for Mr. Dynamtapus!!!!! Anyways, all stories and histories aside, what I learned about Mr. Dynamtapus here??? Well as for me as always, this guy was the exact definition of taking a very long time in development!!!! Created from Feb. 25th to March 6th of 2024, Mr. Dynamtapus was also something that I'd learned a valuable lesson here from designing parodies like him of course!!!! The point is, like before or after that I'd finally uploaded and finished up Mr. Dynamtapus for the first time ever, I'd actually had an argument between with my parents!!! I don't want to give much more real info about that story now, but as soon as I'd finished up the final touches on Mr. Dynamtapus, my dad just came out of nowhere, and nearly destroyed my laptop!!!! Or gaming laptop for that matter!!!!!

I guess this is the reason why that I'd made and actually wanted to have Mr. Dynamtapus to be so angry and aggressively moody in the first place during his past stories and everything!!!! And the explosive and destroying parts really speak for themselves!!!! My parents and I (including my sister and the rest of my family members) would always get angry and explode all the time we always fight sometimes!!!!

And yeah, I guess that's why I put like a few real life references for this non-explosive beast here!!!! He was called Mr. Dynamtapus for nothing!!!! And yes, everything after that fight all turned out be all nice and peaceful at the very end so yeah!!! End of that story!!!! Anyways, all of that real life references aside and everything, Mr. Dynamtapus designs were actually kind of really impressive that I'd ever seen here folks!!!! Though of course, the development had to be push back like a lot because of the other things that I was doing at those times, but I must say, this guy turned out more and less complex that I thought it would here!!!!


And what's really cool about this guy's that. not only it's referring to real life real life squids, octopuses, and exploding bombs and materials, but Mr. Dynamtapus's designs were all created and used from other assets from other past parodies that I'd created!!!! The squid-like arms/hands were used from Jeffrrey's redesigns, the claws and hat thingy were from the redesigns of Mr. Cheffinton's (Sheffinton's) redesigns, and I think also the octopus-like arms were actually used from Lord Eye Socket's (L.E.S's) redesigns/models as well too!!!!

The only ways that I'd turned those parts into their rightful colors were changing the color types, the brightness, and many other darkness stuff as well too!!! Not sure how I got that face for Mr. Dynamtapus though. Maybe it was from someone else here..........Anyways, and I also added in the number six on Mr. Dynamtapus's chest because it not only suits so welly well for him, but Mr. Dynamtapus right here is of course also known as the official #6thParodyMascotCharacter of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!!

The rest of the body formations for Mr. Dynamtapus aren't actually all that great though, but maybe, just maybe, I might probably do redesigns for not only just for Mr. Dynamtapus, but also for my other parodies as well too!!!! Stay tuned for all of that!!!! Anyways, after hours of waiting, the #5thHHSchronicleEpisode's finally been finished!!!!! And, my goodness!!! This is was actually much more longer LONGER then those past four that I'd made here so far!!!! Not only it's because of past Mr. Dynamtapus's storylines, but also on how and what Mr. Dynamtapus would ever been like with all of those old designs here from the other past parodies that I'd made so far!!!!

And I hope you guys had enjoyed this series so far!!!! And I can't believe that this was a perfect ending for the very last day of July of 2024!!!! What a crazy adventure you guys!!!! And as always, stay tuned for some more future updates, stay tuned for the next and upcoming #HHSchronicleEpisode of course, and of course, as always, see you all during the first and official day of August of 2024!!!! See you all then!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #SevenMonthsAndYears #WithMyBelovedParodiesOf #CrazyImaginations!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!! #MrDynamtapusTheExsplosiveOf #MassiveAndRentlessDestructions!!!!!!! #NapatureAlwaysStaysStronger!!!!!! #SeeUallinAugustOf2024!!!!!!!!!!



Next up

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #16 (For Mrs. Mayberry) - Created on: January 7th, 2025 It's been pretty late here on January 7th, 2025, but now that everything's all peaceful and everything, time for some future updates!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #28 - Vaddey Brugg (Created on: January 8th, 2025) My eyes are tired from all of this here folks!!!!! On this day alone, on January 8th, 2000, the official #28thDDSparodyMascot was created and born from Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!!!

TRtoJJ's4: HT (All HHS Parody Cameo Mascots from Series One June of 2024) - Created on: Aug. 22nd, 2024 Well folks, it's finally here at last folks!!!!!! Nearly like 3 months of waiting, & here we are all now today!!!!!!!

So, things have been quiet. Well, reason being we're retexturing work and planning more stuff that'll go into the final. I can't show the other version, but have this one

Retextures by my friend: @MeikoHiya

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #5 - Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or (DooseEye BirdMcCaw) (Created on: May 2nd, 2024) It's been too long now folks!!!! It has been a whole year now since we'd made the last #HHSChroniclesEpisode here!!!!!!

10 years of Fangames ❤️

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The search for New Horizons begins tomorrow... At 16:00 EST (New York Time)

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