Created on this day October 5th, 2005, the good old official #21stRecalledParodyMascot of Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science known as "Dentristteey" was born in the positive ashes of the official Parody HHS Infirmary Hospital!!!! Known as also "Prisoner-XPL3456K", this parody-like creation was based on helping people out with their critical injuries and booboos!!!!! Good-old Dentristteey here was REALLY famous and popular back then with many patients from young to old!!!! You named it!!!!! Or them for that matter!!!! And yes, Dentristteey was also yet another very easy parody-like creature to model and design here!!!!! Took me like 14 to 15 minutes to make here!!!!!! But anyways folks, that's it for today's post!!!! Sorry if this one has to be cut short as always because again, saving more and more future updates for later on as always!!!! Anyways, be safe and have a wonderful and safe day!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #DentristteeyIsSomeoneWhos......... #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!!!
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2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #6 - Sakehatenafiyer (King Zing SnakeMcfieyer) (Created on: March 9th, 2025 - March 13th, 2025) Holy molly!!! Positive quality quantity are always the ways here folks!!! YEP!!! That's correct you guys!!!!!
Sakehatenafiyer's Head #2 (Arvren Hentterson "Male Age 147") - Created on: March 12th, 2025 Another official snake-thingy-thing-thang has been found here!!!!!!
Splatoon CTP #2 - (Created on: March 12th, 2025) I want to officially to apologize for official lacks of future parody updates from yesterday's standards for March 11th, 2025!!!!!! Because of from work last night, things had to be........Well.............
Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!
Is this #Centum Centum Game here's REALLY a lie or something here????? Look, whatever it is of course, here's an official small screenshot that I'd officially took from my official wishlist on STEAM......
Haxx Hustun Studios Banner Poster Shrine #VersionTen - (Created on: Dec. 14th, 2024 - Jan. 1st, 2025) Procrastination doesn't lie here folks!!!! We didn't even fit all Comms & Realms from just one single post alone here!!!!!!! YUP!!!!!
This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to and accept the quest to get started.