All of that medication was really a pay off!!!! Speaking of which, here's an official (and also a recalled) parody mascot from Draxx Dustun Studios that could help you all from finding the right medication for all of you guys here!!!! Healthy meals, counseling sessions, and health inspections included!!!!! Meet none other then "Zangaroo Bangawroo", better known as also "Jrangraroo Dlrack"!!!!!! Officially created way back on April 21st, 1998, just only about eleven whole years right after his older brother "Jangaroo Brack" was officially created from HHS HQ back on May 15th, 1987, this opposite parody kangaroo mascot here's way it is at from all of your nursing, doctor, counseling, and inspecting needs of some positive health works and jobs!!!!! And yes, unlike his older (and sometimes not so very kind and positive) brother Jangaroo Brack from Haxx Hustun Studios, not only that he's known as a Mall Keeper, but Jrangraroo Dlrack is also known to have the powers to travel through the internet!!! From one official/unofficial website to another!!!!!! My goodness here, apparently DDS HQ was the exact same and/or opposite just like Haxx Hustun Studios, but way less crazier!!!!!
And no, there's literally no side comparisons here because both of Zangaroo Bangawroo "Jrangraroo Dlrack" and Jangaroo Brack are just same old copies of themselves, but with different color skins, different styles, and of course, many other new improvements!!!!!!!! But the only difference parody personality trait's that Jangaroo Brack isn't no nurse, doctor, and/or consoler!!!!!! He's just someone that can only......Wait???? Jangaroo Brack's official younger brother's an official Mall Keeper of Draxx Dustun Studios as well too????? WOW!!!! Who could've seen that one coming here, huh??????? Yeah guys, apparently, not only some of these DDS parody mascots, DDS recalled parody mascots, and DDS parody cameo mascots are almost not only all siblings from the ones from both Jax Justun Studios and Haxx Hustun Studios, but they're all just reskins of themselves!!!!! Draxx Dustun Studios is like having the most fun out of both JJS HQ and HHS HQ!!!!!! But anyways folks, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #TheDDSMallKeepersAreActually...... #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!
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