From Draxx Dustun Studios of course, and from Series Seven of 2025!!!!!! Officially created on March 19th, 1946, roughly 79 whole long years ago, like on this day on March 19th, 2025, of course, we have yet another official DDS parody mascot/Rich Mall Keeper of Draxx Dustun Studios known as "Experiment/SCP-71H93", better known as "Sprunney Fliuko"!!!! Even as "SpendMoney GawLizard" as well too!!!!! Also known as yet another hand-made DDS parody mascot and also the younger brother of Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko"!!!!!! Better known as even "Experiment/SCP-71H92" as well too!!!!! YEP!!! Too much official parody information right here folks!!!! All at once here of course!!!!!! And yes, once again here, Sprunney Fliuko "SpendMoney GawLizard" was officially all hand made and everything!!!!! However though, he wasn't all officially hand made from "Elenna Movieseen" though, you know, the girl that made Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko"!!!!! He was actually officially created from Nave Jonnson's daughter, the official owner and creator of Draxx Dustun Studios itself!!!!!! Nearly just seven years right after Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko" was officially created way back on January 4th, 1939!!!!!!!!
And for no reason whatsoever here, Sprunney Fliuko "SpendMoney GawLizard" looks so sad and clue here!!!!! And I don't know even why here.........Maybe he just having hard times with his older brother as always of course, and even the insults from his brother and his parody mascot, recalled parody mascot, and parody cameo mascot friends as always of course........Which for some reason, he loves it sometimes!!!! But not all the time of course!!!!!! Anyways, I think that is enough parody info about Sprunney Fliuko, like for now of course!!!!! And by the way, YES!!!! Sprunney Fliuko is literally a reskin, retextured, and redesign version of his beloved and mean old older brother known as once again here, Spunney Filuro "SpentMoney GawGecko"!!!!!!! And of course, you all might know the differences and everything here......Also, let's not forget that Sprunney Fliuko "SpendMoney GawLizard" was actually a Rich Mall Keeper/Parody Mascot Master of creating hand-made-like creations!!!! But once more as always, future updates will be out sooner then later!!!! For now folks, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!! Assuming that Haxx Hustun Studios will still have chances!!!!!
Heck, today's the official one year anniversary when the official and first hand-made HHS parody mascot known as Wagonlley was officially shown off on March 19th, 2024!!!!! Same as for their official and first to second HHS Mall Keeper known as Ghosty Host!!!!!! Better known as the both the #5thAnd9thHHSparodyMascots from Series One of 2024!!!!!! Time flies so quickly these days my friends!!!! Anyways folks, I'll see you all next time in them next future updates!!!! Assuming DDS HQ doesn't get anymore procrastinated then this.........So yeah, see you all next time!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #AllRichMallKeepersArentSoEVIL!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #SprunneyFliukosStill #WorriedAboutHisBrotherAndAlso........ #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!