Three official DDS parody cameo mascots/characters from Series Seven of 2025!!!!! All three of them are all from Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, and they have official/additional DDS parody cameo names for their future parody DDS forms here!!!! Meet the #52nd, #53rd, and #54th parody cameo mascots of Draxx Dustun Studios known as “Rude” (Rurotto Mudertto), “Reno” (Reeno Haverrno), and “Tseng” (Tsanged Tsungsoog), the ones that you all you had all might've seen before from the past three official Twurky Terks CD Recorded Parody Archivos Recordings talking about each four official parody mascots from Jax Justun Studios for Series One of 2018, alongside with “Elena” (Elenna Movieseen)!!!!!! The official #44thParodyCameoMascot of Draxx Dustun Studios from Series Six of 2024!!!!! So, DDS HQ, how much more parody cameo mascots do you guys have left to share here??? Only two more???
THAT IS PERFECT!!!! Assuming that there's a couple more official DDS parody mascots as well too to fit in here!!!!! WOW!!!! Well folks, I think that the official #54thJJSvideo's going to be the most biggest one yet here!!!!!!! Anyways folks, of course, official parody forms of your favorite three turks (plus Elena) will be out shortly until more and more future updates will be out and about and everything here!!!!! Anyways folks, stay tuned for some more future updates from Draxx Dustun Studios and the Twurky Terks, and I'll see you all later with some more future updates!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #TheTwurkyTerksWillBeReady!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!!!!!
(Tvyl vm aolt vmmpjphs Adbyrf Alyrz JK Yljvyklk Whyvkf Hyjopcvz Yljvykpunz dpss il vba huk hivba zovyasf aolu shaly aptlz mvsrz!!!! Huk flz, aolt mvby Adbyrf Alyrz ruvdu hz “Lsluh” (Lsluuh Tvcplzllu), “Ybkl” (Ybyvaav Tbklyaav), “Yluv” (Ylluv Ohclyyuv), huk “Azlun” (Azhunlk Azbunzvvn) dpss il hss ylhkf ilmvyl fvb hss ruvd pa........Aol flhy vm adluaf adluaf-mpcl'z nvpun av il lclu tvyl dpsk aolu shza flhy'z whyvkf zahukhykz olyl mvsrz.........#KvuaFvbHssDhpaBw..........)
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