Five Nights at Sonic's 2 Lucky And Friends Restaurant Canon History Part 2: Amy is working on the night and avoid three animatronics, ☆Toy Lucky☆, ☆Tanooki Mari☆ and ☆Toy Yoshi☆, it sometimes it can be a little hard... She was put a music box on cameras if Mr Luiginette will not come out, while on storage. Injured Mario is looking at his friends, they're sleeping, so he comes out of storage room, ☆Tanooki Mari☆ notice Mario sad and non arm, so he come to Mari and ask what happend to him, Mario explians Mari about him and his friends and everything about past year 2013. While on office, Amy keep avoid them, until 7 AM later. They stopped, Amy check the hours. She needs go of LAFR, while on old TV. Someone teleported and does the TV something. Until that shadow of someone teleported away, the TV ons alone. *It can be hear the intro on old TV*. Next day, storage room, Injured Mario can't use his hammer, he came to Injured Sonic to gift him the hammer. Mario ask him if he want use the hammer, Injured Sonic notice that, he accepts it and the hedgehog got a plan of that. Next night, Amy came again the LAFR to work again. And, after these nights [ 4/5 ]. Amy is working the last night, avoiding them, she didn't no put the mask and no cameras and ☆Toy Creamy☆ goes away. So Amy avoided her that, and avoiding the others. So hard, And putting mask, light Injured Tails, and avoiding to others, when it's 6:59. Injured Sonic lunge at Amy to bite her, he hit her on desk and hit her with hammer violenty, Amy asked to help but no one help her or no save her, he threw her on floor and started to hit her with hammer until kill her. Now the hour became 7 AM. Injured Sonic stopped and stand up
And looked at Amy's dead body. The hammer has blood, the shadow of someone is looking at Injured Sonic and Amy's dead body. Next day, [ bad news: we founded the dead body of someone, a woman called "Amy Rose". And we found the shadow of someone. [ Unknow ] but with figure of someone. Something is wrong with TV ]. Sonic is waiting for his girlfriend if she dond the work on five nights, but he come out of the house of him and of his girlfriend but he is a little confused that why she no arrives the house. He walks to LAFR, but it's closed for a reason. Sonic notice that the LAFR is closed. Jenny bring the old TV what is going on with TV. Sonic ask Jenny what happend to Amy, Jenny sighed.... She answer him [ Jenny: "S-sorry Sonic... s-she... She's.. dead... ]. Sonic got shocked, his tears on his eyes, he wanted come inside of LAFR but Jenny stoped him so he can't go inside. [ Jenny dosen't know who killed Amy ]. Sonic is crying cause Amy is dead. On other place, raining, R.I.P statue, [ Rip Amy ]. Sonic is looking at the statue but he's very sad. Then a ghoster of Amy is looking at Sonic also she's sad [ But Sonic can't see her ]. Next night, ☆Toy Lucky☆ and ☆Tanooki Mari☆ secretly became boyfriends 🏳️🌈, Injured Sonic is ready to d-s--t-y all of Lucky And Friends characters, ☆Toy Creamy☆ notice that when she's peeking, she go hide on somewhere. Injured Sonic go at the both of ☆Toy Lucky☆ and ☆Tanooki Mari☆ and attack them with hammer until destroy them, ☆Toy Yoshi☆ hears, then she comes and see Injured Sonic, he gives to her jelaous glare. Young Toad and others hearded too. Injured Sonic destroyed ☆Toy Yoshi☆ on legs, Injured Sonic looked at them too. He lunge at them with the hammer, after, Young Toad try escape but Injured Sonic started to hit him and until eat him. After Injured Sonic is looking for other but someone escaped [ ☆Toy Creamy☆ ]. He sighed, and stopped to himself, his friends notice him that Injured Sonic destroyed the robots, clone and a big puppet. Jenny arrive to heal them but she notice that Injured Sonic destroyed the robots, clone and a big puppet, Injured Sonic notice Jenny and others too. They dosen't want kill Jenny, Then Injured Sonic revomed Jenny's key until hug her, the others came to Jenny too. They dosen't let Jenny go. Jenny go the storage room and the others follow her. After, next day, they're healed now. They're became ☆LuckyStar's☆ again, And she carried them to Jenny's storage until they stay on her storage. ☆Toy Creamy☆ bring out her gun and will got revenge until new year