[ Jenny's History 4 Sweet Dreams ]
Five Nights at Sonic's 4 Future Memory Canon History: 2016, 17 may. Jenny arrived the house. She sighed so she has tears in her eyes, a picture of her father and of herself together in family. The lights of the house is off and the power is off too on house. While, Lucky.21 and Jumper destroyed βToy Creamyβ. Lucky.21 started to make a new robot with their powers, and Jumper is reviving Sonic's friends with machine clones, after, Salvage Sonic is coming closer to Abandoned SAFPH and Ryan's and Jenny's house. But someone is behind Salvage Sonic and said [ Nightmare Golden Sonic: "Can i help you of that little blue hedgehog..." ] [ Salvage Sonic: "Oh really..? You gave me ides wait who are you? ] [ Nightmare Golden Sonic: I'm... Am.... ] And then he kills Salvage Sonic with axe on waist [ Nightmare Golden Sonic: "Future Ryan.... ]. Future Ryan lied to him, Salvage Sonic died, Sonic's future friends notice that and notice Ryan too, then Lucky.21 aslo notice that, Future Ryan see them, Lucky.21 stared show him their true form [ Lucky.21 turns a true form ]. It was "Mara.21" [ Mara.21

"Well well Well...? Did you remember me Ryan...? Hehe hahaha... Do you to play with me...?" ] Ryan remember her, then Jumper fastly carried Salvage Sonic's dead body and waist to the inside of Abandoned SAFPH. Mara.21 pounce at Ryan until attack him. [ Future Ryan Vs Mara.21 ]. They're fighting, after the fight. Mara.21 defeat Future Ryan too easy. Until the others make fun of him,
While Jumper put the dead body on machine, and then. The body is getting fixed and it works. After. Then "Nightmare Sonic". He come out, his body grew so much. So he became a "femboy". His tongue is snake, and his ring on hat is now "Ring Eye". And he looks different now. While. Mara.21 teleported on Jenny's room and see her sleeping, then Mara.21 started to give Jenny "Real Nightmare". While Jenny is sleeping. After, Jenny woke up, she's sitting on dinning room. She get up, she see the shadow of a furry hedgehog. Then the Ring Eye glow. Jenny is confused and she came closer, until Nightmare Sonic scare Jenny and fall her on floor, she got scared that who's that
[ Jenny: "W-who... Who are you...??" ]. [ Nightmare Sonic: *Chuckled a little in evil way* "Hehe... Oh Jenn~ did you remember me~ ]
So Nightmare Sonic it was Lucky. But on this future he's now Nightmare βEvil-Starβ. He crawl on top of Jenny, he's taller than her, Jenny push him and try go her room. He started to chase her with a evil laugh, Jenny came the room until close and lock the door, she's now afraid of the future. But this time it's Nightmare Mode [ It's a night but very hard with everyone of them. But Future Ryan is not there ].
After Jenny is trying avoid them. She light Nightmare Miles on closet, she hided on under bed of Nightmare Fire, She closed the door and avoid Furry Nightmare Sonic, she close the vent and avoid Toymare, light Jumper. With flashlight, after the batery of flashight it's over. Lucky.21 catched Jenny from behind, Jenny woke up of the nightmare. Nightmare Sonic was holding and carresing Jenny, She try escape, but didn't can't. Jenny notice Lucky.21 and others,
[ Lucky.21: *female voice* "Hehe.... Did you remember this voice...? ]
The voice it sounds like Mara but in demonic, Jenny remember in her mind. Lucky.21 turns into the true form. And Jenny got scared, it sounds like bones and so creepy. Mara.21 is very taller than Jenny and others, Nightmare Mario was holding Luigi, [ Luigi is fainted ]. Jenny try push Nightmare Sonic, but he holded her tightly
[ Nightmare Sonic: "No~ You're are ours now~!" ]
[ Mara.21: "Now... Let's play a game.. but this time you'll be night guard! ]
Then Jumper hit Jenny until faint her
After, Jenny woke up. She's on unknow office. She looks at everything of this place and called "Welcome To Your Memory Jenny Ruffs...." Jenny notice that and leave the office. She see everything and exploring, but she see Luigi in cage stuck, Jenny try unlock the cage but she didn't can't. Luigi is still fainted, Jenny come back to office. She'll start the night.