Her long name is ☆LuckyStar☆ Blaze
Her nickname is Fire
Her age is 17 [ Young ]
Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush: Herself
Friends: ☆LuckyStar☆ Sonic, ☆LuckyStar☆ Mario, ☆LuckyStar☆ Yoshi, ☆LuckyStar☆ Tails and Jenny
Good Day: An new ☆LuckyStar☆ and new friend of the ☆LuckyStar's☆. ☆LuckyStar☆ Blaze, she has nice and beautiful design, she is also popstar like three ☆LuckyStar's☆ [ Lucky and Mari ]. Also she has two speakers for the music. She is very beautiful and pretty, ins't she?
Evil Night: She is sometimes sleepyhead, also she can wake up in her room, she prefer call herself Fire tonight, she also can burn someone or touch and burn someone, she can also throw with her fire powers, her eyes are black and shape fire
She does not have sharp teeth in Evil Mode. Only fangs of
☆LuckyStar☆ Tails has always sharp teeth
Other ☆LuckyStar's☆ have fangs but in Evil Mode they have sharp teeth
But Fire always have fangs
[ Only Blaze have her room ]
What she does in her room?: Look herself in mirror because she is beautiful to herself, use her phone,
[ Room look soon ]