His long name is ☆LuckyStar☆ Tails
He has nickname? Nahh
His age is 12 [ Child ]
Friends: ☆LuckyStar☆ Sonic, ☆LuckyStar☆ Mario, ☆LuckyStar☆ Yoshi, ☆LuckyStar☆ Blaze and Jenny
Good Day: The pirate fox with two tails called ☆LuckyStar☆ Tails, he sings and make pirate songs, he likes treasures, he's smarth and coolest, he have awesome design
Evil Night: He also can wake up tonight, he can always active the Evil Mode when it's night to kill, he likes chase someone, he sometimes can be with his sharp teeth, he does kill, can't hide or run away of him. He can sniff someone
Evil Mode look: Black eyes but always blue pupils and they always glow
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