3 months ago

21st December 2024 - Summary

Heya jolters!!! Today, I’ve really enjoyed!!! So, first things first, I woke up, played Descenders for like- 6 hours? I’m also very addicted to Marvel Rivals XDD anyways, today was my auntie’s birthday, and we wrote her a card each and, yeah. So, every Christmas, and my birthday, because she doesn’t get to see me for my birthday usually. You see, I live in the Middle East, but all of my family (except my parents and my sister) live in Manchester. So, she brought us each a gift. Kiki, (my sister), got like- a meter long makeup kit? It was like- a HUGE basket, filled to the BRIM. And I… finally got an… APPLE PEN!!!!! I can finally start drawing!!!! I can make art for you goobers!! Just need to find a decent teacher… anyways, so… you won’t believe it… after nearly 4 YEARS, we finally got… SONIC MOVIE 33333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, literally, after I watched sonic movie 2 with my friends in 2020, I said at the end “Bro, December 2024?!? We have to wait that long?!?!” 😂😂 Also, after we left the restaurant for my auntie’s birthday, I saw a bus going down the street… with a sign reading “WitchWay” 😂😂 So, yeah! Basically a day in review. Have a good day/night jolters!!



Next up

DOWGIEEEEE 3!!!! (His name is Bean XDD)

*pets aggressively*

This is 4:43PM in Manchester 😳😳

Hailstones in Manchester!!

Bro, what did this straw ever do to me? XDD

Pan aú cookie 😂😂

Ended up pouring out the ice cream cuz I didn’t want the cookie bit 😂😂

This is what no self control looks like… XDD


IM SO EXCITED!!!! I hope my parents get me an Apple Pencil :sob: