We have launched our first tech-demo so that you will be able to check it and get a firsthand experience of one of the most important parts of the game: the 2D Platform stages. In this tech-demo you will be able to play a section of a platform stage which, despite of not being part of the final version of the game, it combines a bunch of different mechanics that you will find in the final product.
This is an early tech-demo that only showcases some gameplay of the 2D platform stages. There are a lot of bugs (sometimes tutorial pop-ups disappear and music/sounds do not work properly) also, an important part of the game is missing: The space. We you keep that in mind when you check out this little demo!
Currently, there are a lot of missing and provisional sounds (jellies ‘shouts or weapons’ sounds, for example), since we have not hired a sound designer yet.
Please, take a look to the ‘readme.txt’ for more information about keys, combinations and notes.
While you are playing, follow the instructions that will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.
Gamepad is allowed and highly recommended, just configure buttons on the launcher.

We hope you enjoy it!