Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team

6 years ago

3 Years of Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team Celebration!

The original jam build of Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team was posted 3 years ago today. Lots of folks have played the numerous versions I’ve posted here and elsewhere in that time. Seeing people play and listening to feedback has shaped the game so much. I am so incredibly grateful to everyone who has taken the time to check out the game. It has come a very long way.

I released 1.0.0 last month and launched on Steam as well. To celebrate I will be posting scrambled S T E A M K E Y Z Z to the various online homes of TheWzzard and Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team. Starting with


Please let me know if you claim it!

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Final 48 Hours on Kickstarter! Back now!

Coming Soon to Steam! You can wishlist Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team Now! [… ] This also means 1.00 will be coming to gamejolt soon! I will be updating the trophies as well.

Frogging Along

Steel The Android

1.00 is here! After nearly 3 years in development, I am happy to announce that Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team is RELEASED! You can buy a DRM FREE copy here or get it on Steam [… ]!

Kickstarter Launches Tomorrow! The campaign will launch tomorrow! [ ]

I just remembered that fans will push jumpers!

Upcoming Visual Options for 1.00

Finished a project I've been working on over the last few days!

Modeled and textured in Blender.

#3dart #lowpoly #npbr #fantasy #hut