4 Глава - Ещё одна страстная ночь с Чарой, но что-то пошло не так. Неожиданный поворот событий, множество Чар (Мит), множество вселенных и... множество смерть-сексом?
Эта часть вышла больше сюжетна и масштабна, нежели повседневные прошлые главы. Игра больше, Чар больше, много секретов, анимации и пасхалок, которые надо искать не только в игре, но и специальную ссылку). Игра - https://raiderded.itch.io/undermeeting
Chapter 4 - Another passionate night with Chara, but something went wrong. An unexpected turn of events, multiple Chara (Mit), multiple universes and.... lots of death by sex? This part came out more story and scope than the everyday past chapters. The game is bigger, Chara is bigger, a lot of secrets, animations and Easterhawks to look for not only in the game, but also a special link). Game - https://raiderded.itch.io/undermeeting
Next up
1 из 3 данных...
Sex — кого трахнули или только планируете.
Bad — член команды "Bad Girls"
1 out of 3 data...
Sex — who got fucked or just planning to.
Bad — is a member of the Bad Girls team.
Here is the 3rd chapter for sharing! The game is twice as big, more animations, passhacks and the story is more important, but you can still fuck characters). Download pc and android - https://t.co/IGHTOewtra
I CAN POST IN 2023.....
ru: 2 из 3 данных... Не главные, но очень важные персонажи... НО не все секретные. en: 2 out of 3 data... Not the main characters, but very important ones... BUT not all are secret.
Six months later, since the release of chapters 1 and 2 of UnderMeeting, a total of 100k people have played the game. Thank you
I am extending the game to 5 chapters. Autumn is not the best time of the year for development + due to the lack of a translator from Russian to English, the game will be released later than I wanted. I think I'll make it before winter.
В нашем дискорде, появился канал с прогрессом игры, где вы можете следить и ждать) Дискорд - https://discord.gg/Cdan3eQRqm In our discord, there is a channel with the progress of the game, where you can follow and wait) Discord - https://discord.gg/Cdan3eQRqm
Hooray hooray! Chapter 2 has already been released for everyone (before that it was only paid). Warning - 18+! https://raiderded.itch.io/undermeeting