I cannot thank you all enough for your support you've shown me and my games for almost 2 years now! (Meaning my spawn day is also coming up soon!)
If you've been a long time supporter I greatly thank your presence and the same goes to all the newcomers who helped us achieve this milestone.
While I did see this event approaching fast, I couldn't make my mind up on how to celebrate it... so I decided to let you guys decide instead! Some of you may remember me doing a similar poll event a while back when reaching a milestone, however, this time you won't be getting the face reveal option. ;)
I'm also promoting this as a QnA as well, which means you can submit questions on this post on mostly anything you're curious about with me or my games. I'm of course always open to questions, but I don't always get back to everyone, so now is your chance to have a proper QnA!
Some final notes as well before I conclude this post:
I've started collaborating with @ThirdTimeLucky
once again in order to create a new profile picture, which actually had been planned previously, but ended up perfectly coinciding with hitting 4k!
After some deciding I have come to the conclusion to hide by older/cancelled projects. As I have briefly mentioned before in other posts, these projects have slipped from my new development standards and don't properly represent where I've come as a developer.
However, they will not be completely hidden. I will be creating another post soon after this one providing links to these hidden games if you ever want to experience these older works of mine.And finally here a a couple of quick promotions to be made aware of:
Firstly of course is the Official Frebby Discord Server, so if anyone has Discord and wants to chat with me and other developers then be sure to check it out here:
https://discord.gg/Qth8rsWThere is also my Twitter account where I post updates more veered towards my Dark Deception audience.
I would again like to thank you all for your support and helping to achieve this milestone.