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Terminada configuración de MIEDO, los encuentros con monstruos añaden puntos de miedo, 7 puntos es game over. ---
Finished the configuration of FEAR, encounters with monsters add fear points, 7 points is game over.
I may not finish the game in time, but I have some very nice options. And works.
Quizá no acabe de hacer el juego a tiempo, pero me ha quedado unas opciones muy guapas. Y funcionan.
Just a short alternative ending for unhappy campers I did for practice the style of HB
Stolas is so tired of all the fandom who ships their OCs with his Blitzy XD
some randoms
Changing interface again XD I think that is the last one. --- Cambiando la interfaz otra vez XD creo que es la definitiva.
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