в след. посте выложу ещё одно, но уже на 8 или 9 минут)
in next post i show another one, but already in 8 or 9 minutes)
Next up
бедный инвалид, его одноглазый красный прыщ пытает 🥶
poor disabled person, he is tortured by one-eyed red pimp 🥶
итак, я сделала Макса в гача клубе
so, I made Max in gacha club
я впервые посмотрела гача мини фильм и.. ЭТО ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНО!
i watched gacha mini film at first time and.. THAT IS GORGEOUS!
Hey there everyone folks, I don't know if I'm late or not,
but officially I'm a #gjfamous from this day
I can't describe how many times I have to thank you all to show how much I do care about all this support
Thank you !
я забубенила обложку
думаю что красота
i made a thumbnail
i think that is beautiful
оптическая иллюзия, острожно
optical illusion, carefully
Well guys, we did it, my gamejolt profile reached 900 followers!
Thanks to everyone who helped me with that
This will be an important event for me, because literally I have less than 100 left to 1000
Please read the article to understand