8 months ago

500 Followers Special.

Hello everyone! as you can see I now have 500 followers! might be amazing for some of you and for some others it might not mean a thing but to celebrate im gonna do something special.

I dont really know what to call this but its gonna be a type of Commentary where I talk about some of my projects, just know im not gonna talk about ALL of them (I mean seriously what do you want me to say about One Night with Smiley?), that being said just because some wont be mentioned here doesnt mean I dont love them, because I do love them all, its just that I dont want to force myself to talk about some of my games that I dont have much to talk about, without further ado... enjoy!

The Return to Freddy's 2: Space Time


ah trtf 2: st, this is currently my newest big hit that I've made and im very proud of it, I think this is a good display of how I manage game design, I dont do anything overly original, I just focus on making it fun and memorable... which I succeeded in!


this game did suffer alot of development issues as I was struggling to stop being lazy and work on it, there was a time during its mid development where I literally did NOTHING for afew weeks, usually when this happens to one of my projects they're dead... like gone, dead, dust etc but I managed to pull through and started working on it again one day and im glad I did because its such a fun game & now I cant imagine me not having finished it.

Phobia: Nightmares


oh boy... Phobia: Nightmares, some of you already know this one but I'll give yall a quick recap.

Phobia: Nightmares was the first Phobia Fangame from @ih-ihs (or atleast the first proper one that wasnt just a scratch reskin.), I guess its also technically the first Showman's fangame but I wouldnt really say it is.

so why have I been so... "specific" when wording about it? well because it is without a question asked, my worst game as of now... and I couldnt be happier about it...


now you might be asking why im so happy Phobia: Nightmares is my worst game? I'll tell you why:

for my worst game, it isnt that bad, alot of people just say its mid which shows that even my worst games arent that frustrating to play.

Phobia: Nightmares doesnt have rng, bad code or somethin else, its just Mid and thats why im so happy it is (if that explanation even made any sense then consider yourself special.).


I think its time I reveal why Phobia: Nightmares turned out the way it did and it might not be what your expecting,

the reason I was so desperate to get Ih-ihs to give me permission to make a fangame of his series was because I wanted to be the first to make a fangame of his series... yup thats the whole reason Phobia: Nightmares was doomed from the start.


(what you see here is concept art of the rooms before I made them)

I will admit Phobia: Nightmares did have a promising start in its early stages of development but it quickly fell apart, take this as a lesson:

Never make something to be the first, your motivation wont be in the right place and it will show no matter what.

(btw im aware some of you might say the rerailed series is actually my worst set of games but those were my first when I was still learning so I wouldnt say that counts, when I was making Phobia I had all the skills I used to make Red Abominations so its much more safer to say Phobia is the worst game... speaking of Red Abominations)

Red Abominations


oh yeah... my & @Inverted_Minnie 's Magnum Opus, like its not even a question yall know this is the best thing I and Minnie have made and it will probably take us both a long time to make something that tops it.


whats shocking is how this game started out, Originally it had Bobby Bilson (we'll get to him soon dont worry) and was called "Three nights with Abominations", the game if it had been finished as originally planned would've had horrible code, horrible mechanics and just not be good, even worse then Phobia: Nightmares.

Now mechanics were the same, however Ori and Terry didnt exist yet, so basically on night 1 you had Oscar & Bobby Bilson, then on night 2 Trisha becomes active and then night 3 is just night 2 again but harder...

now I have a good question for you, does that sound fun? no it doesnt it sounds completely generic and it was.

it would've used my horrible ai because peri didnt teach me the better one yet and as a result it wouldnt've even had a custom night.


so your all probably wondering what saved this game from becoming the most forgetable trash? simple, a little thing called laziness took my motivation for awhile.

when I finally got myself together I was not happy with how the project was turning out, after awhile me and Minnie gave the project a major overhaul such as making it a actual serious game with lore which this game being co directed by me is a real suprise, as well as making it a custom night game.

and now we get to Bobby Bilson...


ah Bobby Bilson, you already know who this is and if you dont then too bad.

Bobby Bilson was originally going to be the main "Masgot" of Red Abominations, when we changed the lore from silly red oddities parody to serious story telling, I thought he's design was too silly for the game and he was eventually replaced by rotten bobby...


I dont know what to say about rotten bobby, he's nice I like him. (as you can tell he took alot of inspiration from Bobby Bilson)


as you probably noticed tho I said the game's lore was originally silly red oddities parody, which is exactly what it was, the building was a Museum, the characters were silly and there was gonna be a phone guy who was silly too.

A funny idea I still like and I think Minnie likes too was a idea where Bobby Bilson and Trisha are married and Oscar the third is their adopted child, this would've been revealed in the extras after you beat the game where text would be displayed beside a character.

I hope minnie doesnt mind me saying this but im gonna say this is still cannon except Trisha is married to Rotten bobby. oscar the third is still their adopted child tho so dont worry...

why not Bobby Bilson? Because Bobby Bilson doesnt deserve a family.

and that was it, sorry if it was short commentary but I think it was still interesting, I like the games I picked to talk about, it was basically "The Good", "The Mid" and then "The Epic".

I dont know if I'll do something like this again very soon so I hope this was satisfying... anyways

I guess I'd like to ask you all one last question before I end this post: how do you see my games & me as a developer?

that's something I'd like to see your opinions on.




Next up

I was originally only going to show this off when I announced it but due to extreme support & positive feedback I have received privately I will go ahead & give you a little tease of what im cooking.

It will get a proper announcement soon.

She has chicken pox.

are there any other noteable differences in the TRTF 2 2016 Major update? aside from the desk, menu & how Frankburt works of course. idk no one really talks about it, I get it since it isnt too different but also its like the only major update we have.

It's me spawndayyy!!!


and he was a wizard.


@Andsy look its Piglet

Malos' TRTF 4 Announcement.

For anyone curious, this is my favorite fnaf fangame of all time. It was a little hard to get into it at first but once I got a hang of the mechanics I couldn't help but fall in love with this game.
