1 day ago

5AM at Sonic's (based on the 5AM at Freddy's animation by Piemation, specifically the FNaF 2 one)

*in the 2nd location, Amy is charging the music box, she heard vent noises, and checks the left vent, seeing Toy Mario there, she immediately puts on the mask as he enters the office*

Toy Mario: hi Sonic!

Amy: *frightened* WOAH uh, hey, hey Mario

Toy Mario: have you seen the night guard? She's not wearing her costume again

Amy: Hehe, pfft, well you know her!

Toy Mario: yeah...but we'll find her eventually! It's just...difficult with that spare Sonic head she's been wearing

Amy: well as you can see, she's nowhere around here so, why don't you go look elsewhere?

*In the distance, a voice is heard shouting*


*Withered Tails jumps at Amy, but just before striking, she shines the light in his eye, freezing him for a second, before he steps back, covering his eye in pain*

Withered Tails: UGH! Fucking- ugh!

Toy Mario: w-wait, you saw the night guard?

Withered Tails: aye! That's the night guard right there! *Points to Amy*

*Toy Mario sees Amy, wearing the Sonic mask, waving at him*

Toy Mario: no, that's just Sonic

Withered Tails: no! She's doing that thing with the spare Sonic head again, y'know? Messing with your facial scanners!

*Amy flashes Withered Tails' eye*

Withered Tails: ugh, damn it! If that's Sonic, why does she keep flashing that wretched flashlight in my face?!

Toy Mario: well, obviously you're scaring Sonic

Withered Tails: "scaring Sonic"?!


*Withered Tails points his hook at Amy*


*Toy Mario drags him back*

Toy Mario: Tails, calm down!

Withered Tails: no, I'm the only one in this damn place who can see through that disguise! Balloon Toad, back me up here!

*Balloon Toad comes out of the left vent*

Balloon Toad: I don't really care if that's Sonic, I'm just trying to get my hands on those sweet, succulent, double-a BATTERIES!

*Amy holds her flashlight close to her chest, while Withered Tails points a gun at her*

Withered Tails: I've had enough of this! Show them you're the night guard!

Toy Mario: uhhhh that's a prop...

*Withered Tails looks at the gun, realizing that it is, in fact, a prop, gripping it angrily*

Withered Tails: ugh! You know what? Where's Sonic? There can't be 2 Sonics, right? SONIC!

*Withered Sonic speeds into the room*

Withered Sonic: yo?

*Withered Tails waits for a second, thinking he was there the whole time, before speaking again*

Withered Tails: well, now we've got 2 Sonics in the room!

Toy Mario: ...cool!

Withered Tails: Mario, oh my god! I will slap you!

Withered Sonic: wait, what's going on here?

Toy Mario: we're looking for the night guard!

*Withered Tails points at Amy, visibly losing his mind*

Withered Tails: SHE'S THE NIGHT GUARD!!!

Withered Sonic: hmmm...pretty sure that's Sonic-

Withered Tails: oh, goddamn it! *Taps his nose, causing that noise* YOU'RE SONIC!

*Withered Sonic just waits in surprise for a bit, before exiting the office through the front hall*

Withered Tails: where are you going?!

Withered Sonic: *singing* fuck this shit I'm out!

Toy Mario: i-i don't get what's confusing

Withered Tails: Mario, listen...oh wait, what time is it?

*Taingle drops from the ceiling*

Taingle: hey fellas!

Withered Tails: oi, Taingle! What time is it?

*Taingle looks at her clock*

Taingle: it's about 5:59

Withered Tails: 5:59?!

*Withered Tails grabs Amy's mask and lifts it up*

Withered Tails: IT BE THE NIGHT GUARD!


Withered Sonic: THE NIGHT GUARD?!

Balloon Toad: batteries?!

*Amy tries to flash Withered Tails, but B.T has the batteries of the flashlight, in fear, she wears the mask immediately*

Amy: no, no, no, I'm Sonic, right gu- OH GOD!

*Withered Tails attempts to kill her, jumping at her, but just before he could hit her, he, along with the others, go completely limp as 6AM hits*

*Amy watched with a surprised expression, slowly smiling, before vomiting on the ground next to her, having just saw her life flash before her eyes*

The End :3

I got this idea while in the toilet watching the animation lol



Next up

"this is worse than the time I met Underfell Sans"


I'm making a country

This will be the flag

Article (it's important for context)


So I decided to Google FNaF ships (I legit just googled "FNaF ships")

And this is the first thing my eyes lay on


I made a Sans mask in school yesterday

Rat Race Production Update

I may feel like shit

But it won't stop me from posting cat