First and foremost, I wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported me throughout the production of Shadows Awaken. To celebrate this milestone, I'd like to share some project-related news and content.
Visual Updates
After visual updates of the stage models, it has been also announced that all Sciomnia characters will receive a second visual update. I conducted a poll to see who you wanted to see next after Sciomnia Bonnie's visual update, and Freddy received the most votes.
The main enemies in the game are the Sciomnias. Personally, I think they should be designed in a more brutal and nightmarish way. Basically, my own take of the nightmare animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's 4.

This version is simpler than the previous one. I wanted to make things simple but in a good way. This would be the final visual update for both Sciomnia and Stage models after Chica and Foxy get their updates soon.
Game page
Firstly, the thumbnail and header will be changed because the Sciomnia models displayed in the previous one will no longer be used. Anyways, here are the new ones


Second, I've opted to keep the name Shadows Awaken. After giving it some thought, I've decided not to change the project's name.
Third, I will permanently remove the playable teaser from 2021. I'm not very proud of the 2021 build because I believe it falls short of the quality standards I now have.
Lastly, certain teaser images will be deleted. However, expect to see more after this!
: )
Also special thanks to @Otis_Le_PoOtis for making the Shadows Awaken logo and doing a comparison edit.
Development progress
The development of Shadows Awaken is still very slow at the moment. We're still working on the game's assets, such as character and environment models. Speaking of environment models, we're currently working the game's environment design. There isn't much to share yet because we just started the designs this week and some are still in the works. But for the time being, this is all I can share for now.

I'd say this project is going well in terms of progress, and I believe we are still a long way from where we need to be, but considering I'm working on two projects at the same time, this is a pretty good progress otherwise.
Anyway, I'd like to introduce new members of the development team that will help us in improving the game's visuals and atmosphere!
is our new environment designer. He'll be working on the environment designs for Shadows Awaken and is currently working on the environment props. You can check his work in the image shown above.
is our new sound designer. He'll be working on the sound effects and atmosphere/ambient music for Shadows Awaken.

Again, thank you so much for the support! A bigger announcement will be made on 10k if we ever reach that milestone!
See you soon!