Hey guys, george here from Underground-Games and this is gonna be a bit of a longish post, Firstly I wish to apologize for the lack of updates on the game, with that out of the way, let me answer some questions some of y'all might have.
Have we forgotten about this project? -Short and sweet of it? No. This is still our most upfront project, We are reworking a bit of the story and the Multiplayer mode has been reworked fully due to new abilities, ill talk about that later.
What happened to a demo coming out in July? - waddle and I both have hopped to get a demo out sometime soon, sadly that has not been possible, I had lots of computer troubles and waddle and I both were swamped with work to do outside of game development, on a positive note though; I have gotten my new computer! Meaning full-scale rendering is now possible for me and I should be able to now divert more attention to this game.
Why have we switched engines so much? Doesn't that just add more work? - It does, but we hope you understand the reasons WHY we switched engines; see, we started out in a demo of Game maker Studio 2 because we do not have the budget to get it full, This alone had so many drawbacks that we switched to Unity, but Unity did not like our sprite sizes and we had some issues with the multiplayer mode and some other features we were wanting to add but kept hitting a limiting factor: Unity and a paywall for some features. With this said, the game has not been started yet as waddle and I am comparing between two code sources to do from scratch, Java or C++, Both would be beneficial to the project, in my opinion, I know Java more than C++ but C++ is also more reliable, I am mainly going to look into the Multiplayer side of things and post an update when we decide on which code source to use.
Why are you all so slow? Cant you please hurry up! I wanna play this game NOW! - Well, I do apologize for the long wait, Firstly I wish to tell you the scale of this project, We are, as of now, writing everything on our own, which allows full control and allows us to set it up exactly how we want it to work, this also means more work for our coders, the thing is, this is a medium-sized game that is best made by a team of 5-10 people. right now there are exactly 3 people on this team: A coder (That's me), A sprite artist (Waddle), and a level designer (Tritra), these three people work as much as they can, but each are better at their own areas, I have little help with code; that means I can not write much code in one day as a team of 3 people who are all programmers can. The scale of the game has been the main limiting factor here, but don't be discouraged! With me having more free time during the school year this go around, I should have more time to focus on the project, and will keep you all updated!
That's great and all but, when is the demo releasing? - That's a sore subject, I wish not to say a date, what I will say is asset-wise, we are around 80% done with the demo! Code wise how ever is 0%, which means total progress as of now on the demo is ~3% or less. I hate bringing that news up, but it is the sad truth, Covid hit everyone hard, including the small devs like Me and my team.
With that all said, I hope this brings to light some of the issues and why the game is so delayed, see you on the flip side.