Reprogrammed (Old Archive)

4 years ago

8 Nights
7 Animatronics
7 Hours left
0 Happiness
1 Unknown
4 Heart Beats
1 More, you'll find out.




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Yo what if instead of Reprogrammed the game name would have been "Freaky Nights with Reprogrammed Quirky Robots"

The Restaurant actually looks quite decent now???

I told you not to let her touch your balls inside the office bro

Guys, Max Mode is ALMOST beatable! It's just one annoying character I gotta nerf down a bit. Edit: nvm, with the character nerfed it's totally beatable :D

DOWNLOAD for the "Lake" model is HERE!!!! (For the Newest version of BLENDER (4.2.7))… Rules: -Credit me. -Ports are 100% allowed and I would even encourage it.

Wolfred is here

Lake from Temu

what more settings should I add?

fnaf if it was good