3 years ago

A better drawing of Rude The Bath



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I tried to draw on Samsung Notes, and this happened...

Her name will be "Rude The Bath"!

An image of a prototype of my game:

For now the name is Project Dino World.

I'm still testing the collisions, hence the scenario so simple.

happy sunky valentines!!!

a bit late but enjoy

Que nome vcs dariam para a versão final desse jogo? Sejam criativos! :)

Porque eu ainda não pensei no nome.

(Obs: Este é um protótipo, portanto o jogo final será muito mais bonito.)

yt community tab collection 1

I want to introduce to you: Rude the Bath!

Make fanarts, FNF mods, comics, memes, and more!

Use it however you want :)

Das duas, uma:

Ou o Robotnik é MUITO ASNO!

Ou o Sonic tem o instinto superior e eu não tava sabendo.

Marine the raccoon from sonic rush adventure in sunky style

Have you guys ever stopped to think, that the Boyfriend (FNF) is the character that most dies in this world?