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Hi there, I know I have already made a post saying all this, but to all the people who haven't seen that post yet, my fangame "Fazbear Horror: The Twisted Amusment park" is out in its full release.
Entrance to Fazbear Park(so far)
Some more renders of the game! Bolts the clown will start inside the Circus(the second image) they will both be on the monitor system!
also FNAF 1's 5th anniversary is today(at the time of this post) so happy bday FNAF 1!
There is an update coming soon!
I will be adding a preview of the How to play menu where you can view all the planned mechanics of the characters!
it appears after the cutscene!
the image above is what I have so far of the how to play menu!
Gameplay image of Fazbear Horror: The Twisted Amusment Park(FH6) in the office
if you haven't already done so, check out the game here and follow for more updates!
The main cast is returning! "So put you're hands together for the one, the only" "FREDDY FAZBEAR!!"
some more images of the office!
it will be one of those offices where you can move to different positions (similar to FNAF 4)
so far I have made the front view, the left entrance view and the vent, there will be a right entrance too!
here is a gameplay image of the office with the office desk aswell as the phone displaying a message for the night and the planned map on the monitor panel!
Also that TV at the back of the office is the monitor screen which is controlled by the panel!
hey, here is another scene in the game, it is the car park outside Fazbear Park, it will be on the monitor system
Hey I'm still making progress in Fazbear Horror: The Twisted Amusment Park, this is an image of a character!
Name: Bolts The Clown
I made him in blender