A clip I'm most proud about and that is kinda funny lol
It's like 2 weeks old but yeah. Also posting it to let people that follow me know about this community too
(I'm Paradox Main I guess)
For those who don't know, Deadlock is a cool upcoming Valve game.
Next up
part 2 lol
gif might take a sec to load? idk
These are top 10 supporters for February and March. Sorry for being this late with the post, and thank you so much for still being here lol
Shoutout to all people (top 10 here) that supported me with charged stickers in November, you guys are epic and I really appreciate your support.
I am thinking about running actually a closed Bloodshed R testing for supporters but it's undecided for now.
the fan art channel in the deadlock community is a wondrous place (this is someone’s real Halloween pumpkin!)
These are the Top Supporters for July. Thanks for all the support! And also thanks to everyone that bought the avatar frames!
It amazes me that this Deadlock isn't even released yet, yet it is in the top 10 most played games of all time on steam.
I have officially passed the semester at my uni.
Thank you guys for all the charged stickers in January. Sorry for being kinda dead here. Too busy with university but it's over (for) now.
Thanks for your support, that's actually so cool you guys decided to support me, and that it's 100% free for you!
i am losing my mind it's 6 am and my university is pain
me rn
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