
7 years ago

A Dark Place: Demo Coming Very Soon...

Hello everyone!

Due to long development term’s I have decided to release a demo for this big upcoming game to show what this game will be like. The demo is going feature up to 2 chapters out of 4. A game page only for the beta copy of the game will be released very soon. Follow for updates and the soon release of the demo.

A Dark Place is a 2018 meta-horror that acts upon being able to interact with the computer and acts very smart to the advantage of being terrifying at the same time. Features great music and eerie environments to explore and solve puzzles in. The game is designed to be more interesting the more you play.

The original: My Place

This game is extremely intelligent has the ability to break the fourth wall and act like a real computer nightmare. It will interact with the computer, recognize player actions, and crash the game on purpose to create new events throughout the game meaning you have to restart the game if that happens and more. Please note that this game is 100% harmless in every way and is created for an amazing experience.




Next up

My Place: Special Edition Update With New Game Sneak Peek Released

Lucid Explorer - Sneak Peek Preview of the New Custom Textures Update Coming Soon

My Place Special Edition Released

A Dark Place 2 - Flashlight And Nightmare Design

For more updates regarding development, you can follow the game here:

A Dark Place 2: New Playable Demo Now Released!

A Dark Place 2: New Playable Demo Now Released!

A Dark Place 2 - New Area Screenshots + Free Demo Coming Soon

My Place: Major Big Update Released

A Dark Place 2 Development - Character Dark Artwork

We have just released the new demo for A Dark Place 2!

⬇ Check it out through the link below ⬇
