Hi everyone,
There’s a lot I want to say here in this post so expect this to be fairly long. To start, The Perfect Run has been a mode I’ve been wanting to make ever since SL SCN started gaining traction. The support I have gotten from this project was honestly unprecedented back then, and I knew that I had made something special when I watched people dedicate hours upon hours into the game to push it to its limits. Watching Hyper Golden Freddy and especially Perfect Cacophony (shouts outs to @Brodude5747 being good at games) be conquered was revitalizing to me and I wanted to give back in some way. With all this in mind, I now firmly believe that The Perfect Run was doomed from the very beginning.
I started development on The Perfect Run at quite literally the worst possible moment in my life. From the world around me becoming a lot scarier to my own personal life becoming a major struggle to get through, I’ve had to put up with a lot of mental strain on my end for the past few months. I’d rather not get into any of it for what I hope is obvious reasons, but it's enough that I’ve had to question if it was a good idea to start development on what might’ve been my most ambitious project yet. I’ve had very little time to have anything be developed (honestly, saying it was 20% developed even now is a bit of a stretch).
This is part of the reason why I’ve decided to step away from development for the rest of the year (essentially all of December). And with this all said, whenever I do return from my hiatus,
The Perfect Run will not be coming back with me.
The other reason is honestly much more of an issue to me personally, and that's just I honestly don’t like what I’ve made up to this point. For a bit of insight, The Perfect Run wasn’t just a HGF buff, but an entire reworking of a bunch of characters AND mechanics, including the introduction of an entirely “new” mechanic. However, in practice, this new mechanic just doesn’t work the way I wanted it to, and it feels wildly unnatural in practice. Trying to balance all the new mechanics, as well as everything that the characters will be doing is a lot to ask, especially considering the goal is to be on the verge of the human limit which would require the perfect run (wowow name drop no way).
However, with the time I’ve had to come up with future plans and where I want to go next, I personally believe The Perfect Run as a concept should be planted into something that I can actually call my own, instead of something that in the grand scheme of things is just a rehash of already established mechanics. That is to say, The Perfect Run deserves to be in something better than Sister Location Super Custom Night. While it will be a long time before I feel I’ll be able to make it happen, I think personally it will be worth it.
There’s a lot of other smaller reasons too, but I’d rather get to the point of what is to come instead. With The Perfect Run out of the question, I will take the rest of the year to breathe and come back with a proper mentality. Once I return, I may still bring out v1.2 for this game that adds some features and essentially will “finalize” the game. Then, I’ll get FNAF 1 SCN patched up before I officially start on FNAF 2 SCN. I’m honestly genuinely excited to start on that one, as I have some cool stuff planned for what is one of my favorite FNAF games and I think you all will like them too. Whatever happens after that depends on a lot of things, but there is something I want to do once FNAF 2 SCN is finished that I will keep to myself.
To finalize this post, I want to apologize to everyone that I couldn’t make this happen. While SL SCN’s The Perfect Run is pretty much dead, I have high hopes that I’ll find a better opportunity to bring the concept to life. For now, I just want to say thank you everyone for playing and following me through everything. I’m aware not everyone likes this game and that's perfectly okay with me. Despite it all, SL SCN will always hold a special place in my heart (all the janky stuff included) for revitalizing my love for game development, and I wish to continue that into even more projects that I can be proud of making.
And maybe someday, I’ll find a way to make it up to you all.
- Ceres.