9 days ago
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A Goober Doodle Art of AXDR cuz yes. :D
📦 Now we have a doodle art of this silly goober named Artemis the Art Craft Box. He is one of my OCs. 📦
(Man, I love this box guy, he's so cute X3)
✨️ Meow! ✨️
Baki Bied Bor Bour Bins Pancake belongs to: @DeviHerFo0l (Thank you for the epic drawing you shared of Baki in the discord ;D)
💛✨️New Artstyle!✨️💚
AXDR The Kawaii Grey Fox Doodle Art!
✨Pinzostia Pointiko✨
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You ask- Michael answers- Question by: @Sugar-Sweet Who is your best friend, and which of the dynos do you dislike? :33
-- Michael is back for christmas!
So I used this rainbow pencil that my sister gave it to me, and here is how it looks.
This pencil can change colors! :0
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