Mac Tonight: Anniversary Edition
6 years ago

A farewell to Five Nights with Mac Tonight

Hey folks, thought I'd make a devlog about this situation because this game just being about finished is the last Mac game I'll be doing.

Now I know a simple "Thank you" isn't going to be enough for the amount of support this game has had since the first game of the series, the fact of how the support became overwhelming as the series went on is what kept me going to make continuations and remakes to show how far I've come and how that could of been better.

Along the way I've met many amazing folks who helped me out with making these games better for everyone, people mainly involving Ramen_Games and Mech for tips and feedback when it came to graphics design and partially coding, IvanG and FateForWindows when it comes to coding, especially with the introduction to cycles with the help from Ramen, which I'm heavily grateful for. Others who I've met along the way for support and even people to talk to was because of this series and other developers I interacted with.

Half of this couldn't be done as well without the help of the dev team, helping with ideas, mechanics and more to bring a new experience to you guys to enjoy.

There won't be any more Mac Tonight games because there's nothing else to reveal in the story, but doesn't mean I won't reference the unique character in future projects.

The Mac Tonight storyline is the first storyline I've made which makes sense and worked (while parts had to be changed along the way) but comparing it to the FNaTI story I've made shows which did the better way of story telling.

Now this means I won't stop making games, there's one more fangame but after that I'm wanting to make things that are original.

But again, a very strong thank you to the fans who have played my projects, youtubers and friends. As said I know it's not enough but words alone can't even show my gratitude.

This has a been one hell of a ride for this series and myself.




Next up

A Wild Hamburglar has appeared at a local McDonald's! Happy 50th McDonald's

Case: Treasure Island

Happy 9 Years to my first ever render I've uploaded!

Old and the New


He returns on the 27th


Been messing around as of late and have been making a Movie Shadow V2 model in celebration of the new Sonic 3 Trailer

So as you may know, the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Movie now has a poster, and someone released a funny template to add our own characters, so here's some silly edits

Happy (sort of) Christmas guys from me and the team!