PizzaCam originates from a ACTULE old charater/animatronic from Chuck-e-cheese's, by the same name aswell. (Shown in the 2nd Image)
He was first made in the classic ages before getting a major improvement later onward, including getting his new what the boys consider 'Pipe nose' remade to be more round.
2 years ago
A few of you have probbaly already noticed by now if you've played Dusty's Pizza Breached Circuits that there is a strange charater by the name of 'PizzaCam', well here's a fun fact about him...
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Casual S:NH Teaser
gonna be revealin some goodies today
Character reveal for the sequel Redesigned Dusty
Sonic: Night Horrors Reveal Package + Clone Feels, Clone Wiggler, and Snively Reveal
Last reveals of the day
Dusty's Pizza Palace Devlog 1
someone there?
Dusty the Cat (Dusty's Pizza) Character Reveal
Endo Mark-7 Reveal The Endo behind the mask! Or, Many masks.
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By far one of my favorite models.
"One thing for sure, he's been cooped up in that attic no doubt."