5 months ago
A House-Of-Leaves-themed college I made in art class over the course of a week. Hope you enjoy.
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Ha ha, that's me! (on r/analog_horror)
Looking through the archives of the EMC twitter account, I found an alternate version of the 1969 lore photo! (Differences: The eye is not on the building, and there's something behind the media center).
D&D window icons.
t r u s t (older art that i never posted to my knowledge )
Just made an EMC timeline graph. Isn't it weird that there's a spike in events at the end of every decade starting from the EMC's founding in 1969?
Some screenshots of the transcript of a YouTube stream Aidan Chick did right before Within Static. Man, EMC Season 2 would have been peak.
Practice making spooky images
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