I decided to make this post to say three things:
I just finished school this friday.
To show you some teasers.
And our new composer: @AndreaFactoryStudios
BUT- instead of making teaser teasers, i decided that i'll be showcasing various character sprites that are gonna be used in the game instead.
(Don't worry, you'll still see actual teasers instead of these for the game; but i decided to do this since it's been AWHILE since i've showed anything.)
Onto the ''teasers'':

Some of these are pretty obvious, some are references from the OG game, some aren't.
The composer: @AndreaFactoryStudios .
If you haven't checked the description, i added @AndreaFactoryStudios to the team! He'll be the one doing the game's music (alongside helping with beta-testing).
Anyway, yeah! Expect progress to be faster (with updates too.)